Category: entrepreneurship

Corporate BrandingentrepreneurshipInterviewMedia BrandingPersonal BrandingSuccess StorySuccess Strategies

Taking Action: An Interview with LVLXIII CEO Antonio Brown

Recently, I had the opportunity to connect with Antonio Brown, one of the hottest young fashion designers in the market. He is the founder and CEO of the premium men’s fashion brand, LVL XIII (pronounced ‘Level 13’), that recently launched a line of high-end sneakers that is getting a lot of attention. Celebrities such as …

entrepreneurshipWorkplace Success

A Tough New Year’s Resolution: Take My Own Advice!

Have you ever noticed that some professionals give great advice which they don’t seem to follow? There are brilliant physicians espousing healthful diets who are obese, esteemed Psychologists with multiple failed marriages, admired spiritual leaders who act selfishly and politicians who lead double lives. Most of us who seek mentors find these inconsistencies unsettling.

Is …