Read the Books Your Parents Read
Lately I’ve been flashing back to a book I recently read.
It’s a remembrance of a more genteel time.
But, it had a chilling effect on my thinking.
It’s a book my father read.
I ignored it for many years. Until a friend brought it up. Then I paid attention.
Why is that? Why did …

Breaking Down The Break
Life happens. While we try to control even the tiniest aspects of it, there are always events that can simply never be predicted. Needing to care for an elderly loved one or even realizing you want to be a full-time mom or dad results in wonderful family time but can leave you stranded once you’re …
Tips and Field Stories to Help You Improve Sales
The study of observation to learn what is to be avoided along with the best of what you experience will dramatically improve your outcome for the effort you put into your everyday sales effort. Opportunities arise every day to do so with you as the buyer, at networking events, and how people communicate online. Consider …
How to Reduce Stress and Avoid Burnout
I had the unfortunate experience of reading a list of the top stressors in human life. You may have seen that list. Death of a loved one, divorce, losing a friend, major illness, moving, caregiving … the usual suspects. Then, thanks to grazing on brainpickings.org, I discovered the link between unrelenting stress and the deleterious …
Getting Back to Work After a Vacation
After the much deserved vacation that is full of fun and joy, returning back to the regular routine can distress many of us. While almost everyone doesn’t like going back to work especially after a relaxing and peaceful vacation, you should face the reality and do your best to adjust and be productive again. In …
5 Questions to ask before starting a corporate blog
One of the most common things I hear from people is … Should I start a blog?
There is no simple answer.
However, over the years I have boiled down my thinking to 5 things to consider before starting a (corporate) blog.
Note: I put the word “corporate” in parentheses. A personal and corporate blog …
Which Path Appeals to You?
What if…?
The lack of time to get everything done, myriad of special requests, and the need to do extra research will sometimes put us in a tailspin. What if a routine commitment suddenly required hours of research without extra income – would you politely decline or accept the responsibility?
This type of decision is …
Eliminate Excruciating Problems Fast With 1 Simple Rhyme
You know how badly you need some go-to life hacks that really work.
We all do. We need super effective strategies that don’t involve buying one more app, signing up for a new dashboard or watching instructions on YouTube.
You certainly don’t need to be touted about TaskRabbit or Fiverr or any of these so-called …
To Win New Job, Think, Act Like Top Salesperson
ONCE OUR EXECUTIVE RECRUITING FIRM, The HTW (“Hire to Win”) Group, DECIDES TO PRESENT A CANDIDATE to one of our hiring company clients for an open position, we stress to the candidate that, from that point forward, she needs to consider herself as being in the sales business. The response we typically get? “Oh, my …
5 Reasons Why You Need a Buddy System
If you have ever felt:
Behind on projects Uncertain how to handle delicate situations Caught in the middle of opposing viewpointsThen you may wish to seriously consider the following 5 reasons why you need a buddy system.
Boring tasks will keep us from accomplishing our important goals. Accountability is a tough one to …