Franchise vs. Start-up: Which One Works for You?
You are tired of working for someone else and you want to start your own business but don’t know if you should do it from scratch or buy a franchise. This blog post can help you to decide. Below you can find the pros and cons of each model and decide which one works for …
Delete and Replace Annoying Habits to Increase Clientele
A mishap will predict whether you are likely to get the sale or not. Why? It’s the way in which you handle the circumstances plus your demeanor that reveal your true personal brand. Your prospective clients will either be completely turned off or duly impressed.
Stand out from the crowd as errors occur by proceeding …
Time Wasters that Kill Your Productivity
There is only a certain amount of time during the day to finish tasks but no matter what we do, it seems that time is never enough. Sometimes at the end of the day, we accomplish nothing and feel unproductive. But maybe, the reason of it is not the time. It is because we are …
How to use POP on the Job
There are a lot of measures of productivity.
For some, that means just pure and raw output.
For others it means the ability to use your EQ and IQ – sometimes in proportion and sometimes not.
No matter what everyone has Patterns of Productivity, aka POP.
How do you make the most of your POP?…
Who Likes You and Where Do They Congregate?
Articles are always suggesting to review analytics of every type. This includes the number of likes and shares of our postings. Unfortunately, unless popularity is consistent, it becomes disheartening to see low figures when it comes to “likes”.
One source rarely provides the complete picture; analyze many.
A cautionary note is to not let poor …
How to Say No Instead of Being a Person-pleaser
The word ‘No’ is probably one of the most difficult words to say after receiving requests from people. You might even feel pressured to say ‘yes’ because you do not want to disappoint or hurt someone’s feelings. However, at work, school, home or social gathering, you must learn to say ‘no’ and stop being a …
Five Things You Can Do to Grow Your EQ
So, you think you’ve got a low EQ?
Have you ever been told that something you said was insensitive? Have you ever been in a situation where no matter what you said would come off as insincere or contrived? Have you ever thought about something after you’ve already said it and wished you could take…Connecting Personally Drives Client Loyalty
Thanking a tele-marketer for calling is a rarity at best. Instead, the question that comes to mind is whether to hang up immediately or give the person an opportunity to proceed. Hectic schedules are usually the deciding factor.
Example #1
Surprisingly, the phone was answered to hear thoughtful words from a telemarketer. Timing couldn’t have …
15 Inspirational Quotes from Celebrities
Everyone can have downtimes especially at work. If you feel like you have been staring at the excel spreadsheet in your computer screen for the past hour and don’t want to do anything, you may need some inspiration to be able to refunction. Look at the below motivational quotes and write the ones you like …
How to Increase Audience Attention
Corporate sales training teaches representatives to speak to the simple client question, “Why should I care?” But the conversation is never that simple.
The real challenge is to first discover where the prospective client’s interests reside. Once that is known, the next step is to have the person confide the challenges they face every day. …