Improvisation Is The Thing
I recently moved and as part of this effort I’ve become painfully aware of a few things.
One — My tools are scattered.
Two — The places I used store “stuff” no longer exist.
Three — I need to create new shelves, workspaces, and mentally geocached locations.
Although this was not the first time I’ve …

5 Habits Millennial Workers Should Start Right Now
Millennials get a bad rep in the workplace. Studies have found that employers — especially those from a past generation — often describe us as entitled, lazy, unfocused; all the attributes that throw up red flags during hiring processes. This may seem unfair — and probably is unfair in a lot of circumstances — but …

Pay Attention
We’ve heard this since time immemorial.
From the time we were in kindergarten and first grade all the way through college and into our professional careers.
Pay Attention
One of my favorite movies is “Inside Man” where the main character Dalton Russell, played by Clive Owen, says something near the end of the movie.
He …

How Quality Presentations Can Give Your Career a Boost
When was the last time you were required to give a presentation? Can you remember? Presentations are not limited to groups of people sitting around a speaker — they’re part of your everyday life. Each time you pitch an idea, discuss solutions with a client or interact with colleagues, you are presenting. Delivering a low-quality …

Why Soft Skills are Important for Your Career
We are living in the tech world and it is obvious that everybody should have basic technical skills. Unfortunately, technical skills solely are not enough, if you want to move up the corporate ladder. You should also have great soft skills. Think of a manager who cannot explain what he wants from his team or …

Yes, Education is The Way Forward
Updated October 15, 2019
No matter where you are in your career you know things.
You actually know a lot more than you think.
Sometimes we get down on ourselves for not knowing about X or Y or Z.
The fact is that we know so many things that if we wrote them all down …

Basic Tech Skills Every Employee Should Know
You don’t need to be a computer scientist in order to be tech literate. There are certain skills every employee regardless of their positions should know in order to use technology efficiently. Below you can find four of them. For some, these skills may seem natural but for others if they are lacking these skills …

20 Questions to Help Yourself Figure out Your Passion
Figuring out what you are passionate about and what you want to do for the rest of your life as a career can be quite difficult because there are countless options. Did you ever step back from everything for a few minutes and think about where your career is going and what you can do …

Keys to a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign
Crowdfunding is not only about raising money for entrepreneurs. It is much more than that. Creating a crowdfunding campaign actually allows you to see the interest in your product as well as enables you to get feedback and develop it even more before the actual launch. If your campaign becomes successful, it means that you …

Admit It… You NEED Help
For some the very idea of asking for help is tantamount to admitting failure.
Hint: It’s NOT!
There is no shame in asking for help.
Whether it’s asking for directions or asking for clarification.
Just Ask!
When you ask for help you will stand out in your career. People will know you take the time …