Not Getting Results Using Social Media? Here’s Why
Three simple tactics for getting measureable business results using social media.
Approximately 73% of online adults use some form of social media. Chances are your next hiring manager, client, or strategic partner are either using social media, or one of their close connections are. As professionals, we now have previously unheard of free access to …
The Real Deal About Passive Income
You don’t have to surf the Internet very long before you run into get-rich schemes offering big bucks through passive income. The problem is that the programs make it appear that earning passive income is a set-it and forget it proposition. For little money and even less time you can make a fortune. As a …
Innovate, Disrupt, Commercialize – Not Necessarily in that Order
There isn’t much new under the sun. However, there are a lot of things that haven’t been commercialized effectively.
What? You might be thinking there are countless things that have yet to be discovered and developed. And I completely agree. In fields ranging from Agri-Business to Robotics to Zero Gravity research there are many, many …
Do Goals Bring Happiness?
Most people would be inclined to answer that the goals themselves do not necessarily bring happiness but might encourage motivation to start moving toward that end. This would be followed by the answer, Yes, goal achievement does bring happiness. But this isn’t necessarily so.
The goal achievement itself offers some sense of satisfaction. But we …
The Second Biggest Mistake You Are Making
My career transition practice is full of amazing people with a huge well of talent, potential and experience. Each person is completely different. And with each person, I’ve identified a specific obstacle they are overcoming, so they can quickly move ahead on their goals. That problem identification and problem solving is the primary focus of …
Personal Branding Blog Weekly – Work Your Networking Plan Daily
You may have already witnessed the results of networking. People with strong connections often get the inside scoop on industry information, good deals, and sometimes, the good jobs. Making connections and nurturing these relationships over time is important. Solid established networks have catapulted many careers and businesses.
Unfortunately, for many of us, networking does not …
How Millennials Can Become Millionaires
Contrary to popular belief, it’s not the amount of student debt, choice of college major or even past interview failures that prevent many recent graduates from achieving wealth.
Rather, it’s the habits one forms, the beliefs they hold to be true, as well as their ability to keep an open mind and strict focus.
Pulling …
Branding Mistakes to Avoid
Branding is an important component to business success. But too often, business owners leave branding to chance or don’t direct their branding efforts. Here are some common branding mistakes and what to do about them.
No Defined Brand MessageBranding often gets confused with taglines and logos, but these aren’t brands, they’re representations of a …
Using Hindsight to Build Foresight
Of course, hindsight is 20-20.
How often have you said:
If I knew then what I know now.
After the fact we can all see the situation and adjust the way “would have” reacted… If only we had known then what we know now.
Using Hindsight before it HappensOf course, people cannot experience something …
7 Things to Maximize Your Return on Networking Events
Last week, I focused on the 5 Things You Need to Stop Doing Now to Make Strong Connections in 2015. This week, I’m focusing on you busy professionals who are challenged by making time and maximizing the networking events you attend.
1. Build the conversation
A conversation can get rather dry if you don’t know …