Take The Long Way Home – Here’s Why
If you always do what you’ve always done, you’re probably going to get what you’ve always gotten. Job seekers and other people with vision or ambition can’t afford to waste a moment of their travels. Even the ordinary commute can be changed-up to increase the potential for a positively life-changing connection.
Two little rules: Take …
Personal Branding Weekly – Live from #OneCon
This week I’m out with Constant Contact and Alignable at #OneCon.
See you next week!
Here’s the great tips and thoughts our authors shared last week that you might have missed. Please take a moment to review these.
Be Prepared for Job or Company Changes (But Not Worried) by Debra Benton Michelle Phan: Branding…Attract Targeted Prospects to Your Personal Brand’s Website
A branded landing page and blog is just the start to building a great audience for your personal brand. Once a visitor comes to your website you need to capture their attention in order to convert these leads into sales. If you are not reaching the right audience it is like funneling traffic into a …
Networking just to Network does NOT make Sense
Why do you show up for social events? Peer pressure, because your boss or friend told you to, or just because there was an event. If you answered yes to any of these you may be doing it wrong.
Networking for the sake of networking does not make sense. Going to events is fine, but …
Personal Still Needs To Be Professional
My favorite day of the week is Wednesday.
That’s the day we #brandchat. That’s when I learn more from the BRANDidos (a term of endearment for those who participate in brandchat) that I do any other resource.
During one of our chats we discussed brandjacking. It can happen to a business brand and have a …
How Authority Marketing Can Fast Forward Your Business
Before expounding on the benefits of authority marketing and how it can take your business to the next level, it is important to understand the definition of concept. Although marketing professionals do not agree on any one particular definition, the following is a serviceable explanation of authority marketing:
Authority marketing is leveraging your knowledge and …
The Sales Takeaway Improves Results
One method for adding value to what you are offering is referred to as the sales takeaway. Dependent upon how the idea is presented, it may sound somewhat manipulative, or, it could be quite factual while serving to increase urgency.
Examples for how the takeaway may sound in either situation are:
“We are having a …
Personal Branding Weekly – Need to Know Who You Know
Somebody You Currently Work with can be a Valuable Connection.
This could be a fellow employee if you work for a company or an organization. If you’re a solopreneur, it could be anyone that you work with whether it is as a client or not. If you and the front end cashier of dry cleaner …
Don’t Make These 5 Common New Entrepreneur Mistakes
Today, the world seems to be filled with bright, creative people who want to make a name for themselves. If you are ready to branch out as an entrepreneur to bring your great idea to light, start on the right foot by learning from those who have gone before.
These five mistakes are common with …
3 Keys to Successful Sales
Most entrepreneurs are reluctant to admit they are salespeople. But they are in business to make money. So compounding the problem is the fact the same people are afraid to ask for money or ask for the fees they deserve. Therefore, let’s begin with the 3 keys to successful sales upfront so you may relax …