Personal Brand Rebrand or Evolution?
Why should a business get your services? Why should a company hire you? What makes you so special? Think of yourself as a product that you’re marketing to an audience – why should they buy you?
Though you may have defined your personal brand earlier on, having decided on the niche or industry you want …
5 Branding Lessons from The Sex Pistols
What does the group Sex Pistols and branding have in common?
You might be tempted to answer, nothing, but in fact, the Sex Pistols were revolutionary, not only in the music industry, but also in the way they utilized branding to improve their reach as rock stars.
The Sex Pistols were a punk rock band …
Embracing Limits Increases Productivity
The above title may sound a bit contradictory. However, the recognition of what your maximum capacity is will prevent you from over-committing to unanticipated requests. Given the goals we have set for ourselves, along with the must-do task list, the frequently arriving requests could well put one into overwhelm if not dealt with properly
Your …
Start Your Naughty List Now
How could it be coming on the end of the year? Where did this year go? Is that how you feel?
Are you looking back and thinking where did you go wrong?
Do you have a sense that this year could have been so much bigger for you?
If you are looking back with some …
Personal Branding Weekly – Text – How to Add Your Branding
Everything we say or do represents our brand. We make an impression on others when we communicate with them, whatever way we do that. When you post your contact details on your webpage or people find them on your social media site, they will try to reach you personally. Some customers would prefer to text …
What Executives Can Learn From Dog Owners
“You can tell a lot about a man by the way he treats his dog….” anonymous
Surprisingly, dog owners and trainers can teach valuable lessons to business owners about establishing and maintaining good relationships. And while dogs are known to be loyal to their owners, there are some things owners do to advance the bond, …
Freelancers, Make Sure You Get Paid
Running your own freelance business allows you to make all the rules and work with the people you want. However, it also means you wear all hats, including the billing and collections departments (unless you hire someone to do it for you). There are many possible frustrations to running a freelance business, but probably none …
Facebook Groups & Pages Benefit Personal Brands
Groups on Facebook have become a hub of activity, especially for brands. When Pages were launched, Groups remained a place for sharing information, learning, and networking on a similar topic, issue or concern. Today groups can help build your personal brand’s Fan base and create more social interactions.
Many brands and businesses focus on their …
Plan for a “Tech Day” when Starting a New Job
How fast can you come up to speed? Of course, we all want to say right away and that we’ll hit the ground running.
This is a question and an idea that is asked and expected of everyone coming into an organization. It is incumbent of the management of the company to make it as …
Staying Personal While Expanding Your Business
It’s every entrepreneur’s dream to build a business large enough that they cannot manage every aspect of it themselves. For the few people that do succeed at doing this, however, there are unexpected challenges. For starters, the larger your business is, the more difficult it is to maintain a personal touch. Large companies quickly acquire …