Category: Career & Wealth

Career & WealthNetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Do These 5 Things to Market Yourself Well

Marketing, by definition, is creating a positive environment for exchange. It could be exchange of goods and services. Yet, in today’s economy, it also includes the exchange of human resources for financial resources.

Viewing yourself as the product that you are marketing, might help you in wrapping your mind around the power and the necessity …

Career & WealthNetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Six Tactics to Increase the ROI of Attending Conferences

Whether you’re a business professional or entrepreneur, there’s a good chance you’ll benefit from attending a conference. Trade shows, annual conventions and industry meetings are a great way to attract clients and network for future job opportunities.

Do you want to get the very best ROI possible when attending industry events?

Six Tips for Getting…
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Career & WealthNetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill Development

Why Your Personal Brand Needs a Video Presence

For years it’s been known that in order to really establish a trusted personal brand, you need to have an online presence. Websites, professional social media accounts and blogs are integral to establishing your expertise in your industry and helping you reach audiences that are impossible to engage with in person.

Evolving consumer technology has …