Category: Career & Wealth

Challenges Entrepreneurs Face
Career & WealthCommunication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill Development

10 Challenges that Entrepreneurs Face

Starting a new business is a risky task and entrepreneurs face many challenges every day. Below you can find 10 of them.

Career Change: Abandoning your current career to become an entrepreneur can be very risky for an individual. Especially, if you reached a certain point at your career, then leaving everything behind to start…
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Career & WealthCommunication & NetworkingPositioningRelationships & Personal Growth

5 Best Cities Around the World to Launch a Startup

When it comes to starting up a new technology business, the first place that comes to mind is Silicon Valley which is located in San Francisco, CA, USA. However, the rise of living costs and real estate prices is giving entrepreneurs a hard time because they already have a limited budget. For this reason, entrepreneurs …

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryCareer & WealthCommunication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Benefits of Coworking Spaces

Co-working became very popular for the past few years. Especially freelancers and entrepreneurs prefer working in co-working spaces. Of course, one can work from home or from a coffee shop but these places have lots of distractions and do not offer a productive work environment. Co-working spaces have much more benefits compared to other places …

Career & Wealth

5 Ways the Cloud Makes Remote Workers Feel More Connected

Remote work is increasingly becoming a popular setup for both employees and businesses. Some onlookers are skeptical of the telecommuting model, wondering if these workers are productive and engaged. Even if remote workers do their duties, don’t they feel lonely?

Among non-self-employed populations, work-at-home options grew 115 percent since 2005, about 10 times faster than …