Personal Brand Recovery When Credit Is Due
If you want to succeed, it’s essential that you protect your brand and online reputation. You want to be known for who you are and what you stand for. You want to be given credit for your accomplishments.
Most of the time, you probably do get appreciated or rewarded for your efforts. Your supervisor promotes …
You Defining You Vs. Your Job Defining You
This past year, one of my dearest friends left the workforce after 12 years with one of the leading sports companies. She told me she didn’t realize how often the first question most people ask is “what do you do?” until she stopped working. What we do, to an extent, has come to define us. …
Visualize Your Personal Brand
In a world with too many choices, being the obvious one in your category really isn’t that hard. You just have to stand out from the pack. In a good way.
There are lots of people with your skill set, no doubt. But, there’s no one who has your combination of personality, abilities, qualities and …
Part-Time Passion Leads To Personal Brand Bonus
I still remember my grandmother packing the Skin So Soft in my bag as I left for summer camp. All the other kids had OFF! And I had this soft, nice smelling bug spray. Why? Because my grandmother was an Avon lady; she loved skincare (and her skin showed it) and it made wonderful extra …
Branding Yourself With Google Panda
The Google Panda updates has changed a lot of what companies are doing to ensure they’re being found on Google for their particular field and keywords. But how can you take advantage of this for personal branding?
Take advantage of Google Panda1. Define your keywords
The first thing to do is to define what …
Five Secrets To Write Outstanding Presentations
Want to write great presentations that leave your audience wanting more? Want to avoid Death By PowerPoint, but still need a slide deck?
The secret to outstanding presentationsHere are five secrets I use in creating outstanding presentations.
1) Start with the title.
I always start with titles similar to the ones I’ve done here …
5 Ways to Find the Time for Personal Branding
You’re busy, I get it. You’ve got your job or school. You have a social life. You just don’t have a whole lot of time to do any of it to a great extent. You’re keeping up with Twitter and LinkedIn, and even Facebook, but you’re not able to do any real brand building. That …
The 5 Languages of Nice
As my creative partner @FamousAlice says, s“competent and nice beats genius and difficult” when it comes to hiring, promoting and collaborating with team members – or selecting and working with vendors and consultants.
Competence is broadly understood as being good at what you do; but do not dismiss what it takes to be good – …
What Does Your Blogging Platform Say About Your Personal Brand?
What does your blogging platform say about you? Are you sending a message just by having the blog platform you have? Are there certain types of people who choose one platform over the other? See what your chosen blog platform could be saying about you.
Select your weapon I’m new to blogging and technology. …
Wake up, Look up and Show up
Selling yourself is tough work. I do not recall any fine arts courses in college that was offering to teach me the art of selling and packaging Me Inc. Selling yourself is especially hard in this era, when clients have attention spans the size of tweets. It is downright brutal when you consider that to …