Category: Brand Yourself As

Brand Yourself AsJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Resume Personal Branding Best Practices Part 2 – Superior/Commodity

We’ve all been taught to create one multi-purpose resume that could be used for any job we might apply for.

This strategy worked before the days of digital resumes, job boards, online applications, and applicant tracking systems. It worked when there were shortages of candidates.

Branding yourself as a commodity just isn’t good enough anymore …

Brand Yourself AsCareer & WealthCommunication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingPositioningRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation ManagementSocial Media

Five Personal Branding Tips for Musicians

Some of the best and worst personal branding practitioners I know are musicians. The good ones promote the bejeezus out of themselves everywhere and anywhere they can. The bad ones book a gig, post something to Facebook (maybe), send a few posters to the venue, and leave it at that.

Here are five personal branding …

Brand Yourself AsLifestyle & Habit BuildingMe 2.0Relationships & Personal Growth

I Need Your Help: Sharing a Personal Branding Struggle

Personal branding reader, I could really use your help.

It’s always easier to dole out advice to other people, but, as I’m sure you can attest, applying personal branding words of wisdom to your own big plans can be messy, soul-searching work. Seeing yourself through the eyes of a colleague or client almost needs to …

authors cornerBrand Yourself AsCommunication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Writing versus Content Curation for Personal Branding Success

Which is better for personal branding success–writing fresh content or curating content written by others?

Content curation has been in the news lately, and there’s a lot to be said for it.

Benefits of content curation

Content curation offers an efficient way to build your online visibility and position yourself as an expert in your …

Brand Yourself AsJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Resume Personal Branding Best Practices Part 1 – Crystal Clear

Your resume makes an immediate first impression on your audience.

If your resume gets past automated pre-screening, your human audience reacts to your personal brand in two immediate ways. In the first 6 seconds of a visual review, your reader decides if you’re qualified or not based on gut feel (based on TheLadders recent heat …

Brand Yourself AsCareer & WealthLifestyle & Habit BuildingMarketingPodcastsRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Create Your Personal Brand…then Be It!

I just finished writing my third book and included a section on branding. Putting it together was eye-opening because it forced me to think about my personal brand. After all, in telling other creative professionals how to innovate and advance their brands, I thought about whether I was following my own advice.

One thing I …

Customize Personal Branding
Brand Yourself AsJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Job Search Improvements: Customize Personal Branding For Maximum Effect

Most job seekers use traditional job search techniques, branding resumes functionally and by level. You need to customize personal branding in order to stand out.

However, some smart job seekers customize their personal brand, fitting individual employer needs.

The traditional method: Functional and management level branding

Traditional job search techniques had been the same for …

Brand Yourself AsRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

The 10 Commandments For Concrete Confidence (Part 1)

Your resume is perfect.  Your cover letter is flawless. Your wardrobe would make Coco Chanel or Giorgio Armani jealous.  And, guess what?

None of it matters unless you have the confidence to match. The foundation for your personal brand is the way you view yourself.  When you have genuine self-confidence, your body language screams, “I’m …