Personal Branding Blog – the best of the blogosphere list
I would like to give special mention to a few blogs that have really caught my eye over the past few months. Below is a listing of blogs I would like to recognize for enriching and compelling content. The personal brands that activate and dictate these blogs are some of the finest on the web. …
Guest Post: Taking the Professional Brand Online by Lief Larson
Today is a special event. It is the first guest post ever on the Personal Branding Blog. This guest post is written by Lief Larson, the founder and genius behind, a social network for exchanging business cards with your contacts. I’m proud to support Lief and be featured on the main page of Lyro. …
Brand Mystery 6 – name that personal brand
Brand Mystery is a game where you guess who the personal brand is below. The person who guesses the correct answer first receives a link on the next autopsy post.
Brand Mystery 5 Winner: NONE! The answer was…Owen Van Natta, Chief Revenue Officer, Facebook
Clue: The moderator
How not to brand yourself when communicating with others
In the majority of my posts, I highlight and analyze the positive aspects of personal branding and how they apply to your lives. There are people who approach branding differently, and sometimes, in effect, hurt their own brands. Not everyone is perfect and I do receive some emails and messages that resemble the negative aspect …
Brand yourself as a teacher – An interview with Gary Gil, CEO of
Today, I had the great pleasure of interviewing Gary Gil. Gary Gil is the Founder & CEO of, a new website that allows you to teach online courses on any subject, share information, collaborate and learn from other experts. Gary is also a great networker (as I met him through Facebook) and an overall …
Personal branding success story: Brian Solis of FutureWorks
Brian Solis is one of the web’s finest new media PR influencer’s. His blog is one of Advertising Age’s top 100 marketing and media blogs, as well as a great resource for anyone interested in exploring social media, mixed with PR and much more. Brian’s blog also provides information related to the state of …
Brand Mystery 5 – name that personal brand
Brand Mystery is a game where you guess who the personal brand is below. The person who guesses the correct answer first receives a link on the next autopsy post.
Brand Mystery 4 Winner: Kevin M. Keating
Clue: An important face
Countdown till Personal Branding Magazine issue 2: 2 days!
It’s hard to believe that it’s been almost 3 months since the first issue of Personal Branding Magazine. Luckily, with an outstanding team of contributors, I was able to develop the 2nd issue. This issue is a landmark in my career. Also, the magazine was adjusted based on my re-branding operation and reformatted based on …
Personal Branding Workshop – Bentley College
Last night, I held a personal branding workshop at Bentley College. There were about 25 students, sitting at 5 tables. I gave a 35 minutes keynote presentation about how competitive the job market currently is, how personal branding is the future of recruitment, my success story, as well as how crucial social media and networking …
Internet celebrities may outweigh tv celebrities in the future
Year ago, who would have thought that just about anyone could be a celebrity. Welcome to 2007, where we can all be celebrities in our own right. By unleashing our personal brands on the world, we are communicating our celebrity status to others. Gone are the times where we watched television praying that someday we …