Category: Brand Identity & Self-Discovery

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryCommunication & NetworkingPodcastsRelationships & Personal Growth

A Corporate View of Personal Branding with Pros and Cons

There are two perspectives on personal branding and today I want to highlight the corporate view. The non-bias way to do that is to let someone else introduce it and Rand Fishkin is the chosen one. Rand is the CEO & Founder of and is a well-known SEO speaker and expert. He recently released …

Book ReviewsBrand Identity & Self-DiscoveryCommunication & NetworkingNetworkingPodcastsRelationships & Personal Growth

Myth: Personal Branding Is All About YOU

False! Personal branding is not about you, it’s about everyone else. This post is required reading for everyone who believes that myth.


Note: I tend to do podcasts when the point can better be expressed through my personality and personal connection.

Daniel Pink Introduction

This all comes together as one of six chapters in …

Book ReviewsBrand Identity & Self-DiscoveryInterviewPodcastsPositioningRelationships & Personal Growth

Is It Possible To Brand Yourself By Accident?

I get a lot of books by authors looking to promote on my blog. Sometimes I receive press releases, or a PR person contacts me without being authentic. When an author contacts me directly, with a personalized message, then I take more interest, especially when they send me a copy of their book. I will …

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryPositioningRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Personal Brand Stereotypes #4: The Hippie Phenomenon

I’ve been running a series for the past week on personal brand stereotypes. The purpose of these posts is to demonstrate how we are already perceived by others, without even noticing it. Sometimes we are penalized or ostracized by society for choosing to wear and act how we do, and other times we are rewarded …

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryPodcastsRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation ManagementSocial Media

Good Personal Brands Triumph Over Evil When Social Media Is Involved

Gary Vaynerchuk is already starting to become a celebrity on this blog. Honestly, I’m not that much of a wine connoisseur, but I do enjoy someone who is passionate, honest and caring like Gary. Since he himself is a personal branding success story, by leveraging podcasting, blogging and social networking in order to project what …

authors cornerBook ReviewsBrand Identity & Self-DiscoveryNewsRelationships & Personal Growth

Authors Corner: Co-Authoring The Age of Conversation II – Why Don’t People Get It?

And So it Began Drew McLellen and Gavin Heaton are two of the top marketing bloggers in the world. They identified this new era of social media as the “Age of Conversation” a year ago. As the editors, they decided to recruit 100 of the world’s leading marketers, writers, thinking and creative innovators in a …

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryPodcastsRelationships & Personal Growth

Don’t Build Other People’s Brands – Build YOUR BRAND


Who is Gary Vaynerchuk?

From a platform as co-owner and Director of Operations of Wine Library, a wine retail shop in Springfield, New Jersey, Vaynerchuk gained widespread notoriety as the host of Wine Library TV, a daily internet webcast on the subject of wine. Vaynerchuk’s informal and “hyperkinetic” style is in contrast to conservative …

Book ReviewsBrand Identity & Self-DiscoveryMiscPodcastsRelationships & Personal Growth

Video Your Brand: The “I Feel Like I Already Know You” Effect

I think books are amazing, but it’s the personal brand who authors it that matters the most. Before picking up a book and reading it, do you really know the author? I bet more than half the time you have never experienced the author in reality. You may have searched their name in Google, found …

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation ManagementSEO

The Internet Holds Your Personal Brands’ Permanent Record

Your brand cannot hide from Google (The Cover Story of Personal Branding Magazine last month). Every move you make online is kept in search engines and the only one’s that can be removed are those that you create yourself. Your blog, website, LinkedIn profile, Facebook profile, Twitter profile, Ning profile and a few others that …