Personal Branding Interview: Martin Yate
Today, I spoke to Martin Yate, who is the New York Times bestselling author of the Knock’em Dead series of career books and is now an evangelist for GoSavant, a video-based career training center. In this interview, Martin gives his top resume and cover letter tips, shares some insight into how he’s built his personal …
You’re Known for Your Mark of Highest Visibility
I’ve been thinking a lot about visibility and branding and have come to the conclusion that your mark of highest visibility is what you will be known for. For instance, if you star in a blockbuster movie, or you’re latest album went platinum or you’re the CEO of a major company, or your blog becomes …
Personal Branding Interview: Gary Vaynerchuk
Today, I spoke to Gary Vaynerchuk, who I also interviewed for the sixth issue of Personal Branding Magazine. This time, he’s back and his new book, Crush It!, is coming out soon. I caught up with Gary before his life becomes crazy and asked him questions about his marketing platform, traditional media against new media, …
Personal Branding Interview: David Gelles
Today, I spoke to David Gelles, who is a reporter at The Financial Times and has been in the media industry for years, at places such as Forbes, The Miami Herald and The New York Times. In this interview, David talks about how social media impacts different types of people, how journalism and his role …
Blogger Code of Ethics – Do We Need One?
Should bloggers have a code of ethics like journalists do? My last post on Personal Branding Blog about Four Reasons You Aren’t Getting Book Publicity from Bloggers caused a stir concerning bloggers having or not having a code of ethics. Here are some interesting quotes from the comments section:
Susan de la Vergne commented:
“If …
My Personal Branding Story Part 6: Narrative, Context, and Being a Purple Cow
This is the sixth of ten posts where we follow Marcos Salazar’s personal branding journey, as he uses the concepts and four-step process outlined in Me 2.0 for his own career.
In my last two posts, I described why I decided to use the concept of being a Renaissance Worker as my personal brand. In …
Personal Branding Interview: Bob Garfield
Today, I spoke to Bob Garfield, who is a columnist for AdAge and the author of his latest book The Chaos Scenario. In this interview, Bob talks about his new book, his opinion on the impact of social technologies on media, where radio and TV will end up, and his future media outlook.
What is…Personal Branding Interview: Chris Anderson
Today, I spoke to Chris Anderson, who is the editor-in-chief of Wired Magazine, as well as the New York Times bestselling author of both The Long Tail and Free: The Past and Future of a Radical Price. In this interview, Chris explains (possibly for the first time) the impact of the free economy on branding, …
Personal Branding Interview: Tory Johnson
Today, I spoke to Tory Johnson, who is the Workplace Contributor on ABC’s Good Morning America and has just released her latest book called Fired to Hired. In this interview, Tory explains the steps you’ll need to take to survive a layoff and come out ten times stronger. She’ll tell you the mistakes people make …
Personal Branding Interview: Pat Kiernan
Today, I spoke to Pat Kiernan, who is a New York City news anchor, appearing as the morning anchor of NY1 since 1997 and has become widely known in the City for his “In the Papers” feature. In this interview, Pat talks to us about his own career path, how to make good headline, telling …