Personal Branding Interview: Dr. Woody
Today, I spoke to Mike “Dr. Woody” Woodward, who is the author of The YOU Plan: A 5-Step Guide to Taking Charge of Your Career in the New Economy, a coach and consultant. In this interview, Dr. Woody talks about career development in a bad economy, how to create your own opportunities, why passion can …
Personal Branding Interview: Timothy Ferriss
Today, I spoke to Timothy Ferriss, who is the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller, The 4-Hour Workweek, which has been published in 35 languages. His latest bestseller is called The 4-Hour Body. In this interview, Tim talks about the connection between health and career success, how to build a healthier body, and …
Senator Scott Brown’s Brand Lessons
You’ve heard about Senator Scott Brown from Massachusetts by now. He’s the Republican (yes, you read that correctly) who made international headlines by winning Senator Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat (not a Republican) in the bluest state in the country and upsetting the Democratic majority in the U.S. Senate…no mean feat.
How did he do it? …
Personal Branding Interview: David Siteman Garland
Today, I spoke to David Siteman Garland, who is the Founder of The Rise To The Top, and the author of Smarter, Faster, Cheaper: Non-Boring, Fluff-free Strategies for Marketing and Promoting Your Business. In this interview, David talks about how to grow your brand without spending a lot of money, how to compete with mega …
Personal Branding Interview: Scott Gerber
Today, I spoke to Scott Gerber, who is a serial entrepreneur, angel investor, media personality, public speaker and the most-syndicated young entrepreneurship columnist in the world. He is the founder and CEO of Gerber Enterprises, and the author of the book, Never Get a “Real” Job. In this interview, Scott explains why people can learn …
You Can’t Tickle Yourself
The greatest impact you can have on branding yourself as altruistic is when you do things when no one expects them. In other words, you maximize the amount of joy you share when others do not know it is coming. For example:
• You strip all the romance out of buying flowers for a spouse …
Personal Branding Interview: C.C. Chapman
Today, I spoke to C.C. Chapman, who is the author of Content Rules and the Founder of Digital Dads. In this interview, C.C. talks about why he wrote his book, how to get your content to stand out in the masses, tips of writing good content, and more.
Why does content rule? What made you…Personal Branding Interview: Jennifer Aaker and Andy Smith
Today, I spoke to Jennifer Aaker and Andy Smith,who are the co-authors of The Dragonfly Effect. Jennifer is the General Atlantic Professor of Marketing at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business, and Andy Smith is the Principal of Vonavona Ventures. In this interview, Jennifer and Andy talk about what the Dragonfly Effect is, how Nike …
Personal Branding Interview: Marcus Buckingham
Today, I spoke to Marcus Buckingham, who was interviewed for the seventh issue of Personal Branding Magazine back in early 2009. I’ve also interviewed his wife, Jane Buckingham on this blog. Marcus is a New York Times bestselling author, international speaker, and consultant. his latest book is called Find Your Strongest Life: What the Happiest …
Personal Brands: Anti-Social Media
Apparently, it is impossible to police every member of your company when it comes to stopping rude, disgusting, or ridiculous behavior. I think it’s fair to say that no matter what policies your management establishes, there are some people who remain too depraved or too stupid, or simply have too much time on their hands.…