Author: Roger Parker

Roger C. Parker is an author, book coach, designer, consultant who works with authors, marketers, & business professionals to achieve success with brand-building writing & practical marketing strategy. He helps create successful marketing materials that look great & get results, and can turn any complex marketing or writing task into baby steps.
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Have You Prepared Your Book’s Marketing Plan?

Much has been written about book proposals. But, less has been written about book marketing plans.

This is wrong! What happens after your book is published has a great deal to do with whether you become published and profitable…or just published.

Proposal versus marketing plan

A book proposal is a direct-marketing document intended to persuade …

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Are You Ready to Contact Literary Agents with Your Idea for Writing a Nonfiction Book to Build Your Brand and Promote Your Business?

Getting a literary agent to represent you is an essential step toward getting profitably published. Literary agents are necessary to help you get around the “gatekeepers” at most publishers; most publishers won’t even look at unsolicited manuscripts.

A good agent will save you time by knowing which acquisitions editors and publishers are most likely to …

first-time author
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How to Avoid the 11 Biggest Mistakes of First-Time Authors

Writing, books, and personal branding go hand in hand. When you know how to write, and you use that power to write and promote a book, you can change your life, especially as a first-time author.

Writing and promoting a book opens windows of opportunity–opportunities that would never otherwise show up. As a published author, …