Author: Roger Parker

Roger C. Parker is an author, book coach, designer, consultant who works with authors, marketers, & business professionals to achieve success with brand-building writing & practical marketing strategy. He helps create successful marketing materials that look great & get results, and can turn any complex marketing or writing task into baby steps.
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Deciding How to Attract Readers, Followers, & Brand Champions

Should you give content away for free to attract readers, followers, and brand champions? Or, should you require form-based registration before allowing marketing content to be downloaded?

Every author and entrepreneur must choose a content marketing strategy to attract readers, followers, and build personal brand champions. Choosing between free and registration-based content distribution is a …

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7 Steps to Better Writing for Business & Branding Success

The path to better writing for business and branding success begins by examining your writing expectations. Too many entrepreneurs set themselves up to fail by having unrealistic expectations about what they “should” be able to accomplish when they write their first draft.

These unrealistic expectations frequently lead to disappointment, frustration, procrastination, last-minute mistakes, and missed …

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Do You Have a 2011 Personal Branding Reading Plan?

Do you have a 2011 personal branding reading plan that lists the books you intend to read each month?

A 2011 reading plan will increase the likelihood you will read the personal brand building books you intend to–and should read–this year.

Your reading plan should include the titles you intend to read and the specific …

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Reviewing Your 2011 Writing, Publishing, & Brand-Building Goals

There’s a crucial difference between setting your 2011 your brand-building goals and reviewing your brand-building goals.

The difference between setting and reviewing your writing and brand-building goals can mean the difference between achieving your goals or letting another year go by without significant progress!

It’s never too early to review your goals, and it’s impossible …

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Evaluating Your Personal Brand-Building Success During 2010

As a prelude to the fast-approaching New Year, here are some questions to ask yourself as you evaluate your progress building your personal brand-building efforts during 2010:

Writing & publishing a brand-building book

Did you publish a book during 2011, or make significant progress towards publishing a brand-building book? Or, do you still feel writing …

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Last-Minute Gift Book Suggestions for Personal Branding Success

If you’re like me, the past week has flown by – and you still haven’t finished your holiday shopping for the brand-building author or entrepreneur in your life.

To help you with your last-minute holiday shopping, here’s a list of personally-recommended “best of 2010” writing and marketing books published this year that can contribute to …

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Writing,, & Personal Branding Success in 2011

During 2011, it will become harder and harder to separate writing,, and personal branding success.

Many authors underestimate the number of marketing opportunities that offers those who are interested in building their personal brand.

Certainly, there are numerous other online and offline book retailers; chances are, your home is within a few miles …

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What’s the Best Type of Brand-Building Book to Write?

After committing to write a book to build your brand, and after you’ve chosen the topic, the next step is to choose the best type of nonfiction book – or approach – to your topic.

There are numerous ways you can organize and communicate the information you want to share to help your readers and …

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Questions To Ask Before You Start To Write A Book

Here are 7 questions to ask before you start to write your book. These questions will help you write and publish a book that builds your brand and establishes you as an expert in your field.

These questions will help you avoid the temptation to focus your attention on the writing, rather than paying attention …

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Build Your Brand By Writing A Book That Inspires Readers

Successfully writing a book to build your personal brand involves more than communicating helpful, relevant information; you book also has to inspire your readers to act.

Your book, and your brand, must encourage readers to take action – and continue to take action – until they have solved their problem or achieve their goal. Your …