How Do You Do Your Best Learning?
How do you learn best?
Most people experience the world through their five senses – sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. Some people have become more honed or attuned to using one sense over the others. And, depending upon the situation and what needs to be done with the stimuli (the information) …
Why do Pay it Forward Fridays?
Why Fridays?
Why not every day?
Well, you’ve gotta start somewhere!
And the obvious question …
I’ve also been asked … Why Pay It Forward?
Well the answer is simple … because I can.
Guess what? So can you!
The idea, the concept and the practical application of paying it forward it easy. There is …
Growing your Network is your Job
Everyone talks about networking.
But who is doing it right?
Is there a right way to network?
Networking just to Network does NOT make Sense
This is the title of an article I wrote for Entrepreneur Magazine. The point of the post was that when you network you should have a reason and a purpose. …
What’s On Your Tool Belt?
Everyone brings their own tools.
Everyone wears their own tool belt.
It’s how we address challenges.
Whether they are business related, technically oriented or social in nature.
Everyone has skills they bring to the table.
In today’s modern society everyone has instant access to information. However, that’s not enough! Just knowing about stuff, just having …
Skills, Passion and Execution – Tips for Hiring Managers
Hire for Smarts.
Dig for Passion.
Look for proof of Execution.
When hiring someone … or looking for a job yourself … these are three things you should be aware of and using to insure you find the right fit or are the right fit.
These are especially true whether you are freelancing, consulting or …
What’s So Scary About Halloween?
uy0 Boo0!
Were you scared?
That’s all it used to take.
Back in the days of silent movies, radio and even in the comics strips a word could be shown and the expected reaction was fear.
My how times have changed! Yet, in some ways they haven’t.
People have always liked be scared (or so …
Tips for Developing your Quantified Self
How do you measure your efforts?
What do you measure?
What don’t you measure?
I recently read an article in the Harvard Business Review by Michael Schrage about Developing your Quantified Self. The point of the article was that interviewing people is changing. Instead of asking seemingly irrelevant questions like:
How many golf balls would …
How are you Sharing and Protecting your Assets?
You are what you share.
You might as well protect it.
It’s never been easier.
Are you using Creative Commons yet?
While the concept of copyright may be common knowledge I’d like to offer a soft skills warm up on a way to protect your rights and copyright. Understanding the way to share information – …
Where do you get in the Flow?
Where do you get your best ideas?
How do you find the time to work on them?
Is there a place you go to find your Flow?
Flow is Happiness
Getting in the flow is a good thing and something everyone should strive for as often as possible. Life will always intervene. However, it is …
5 Tips for Making Friends in a New Job
Introverted? No problem.
Extroverted? Also, no problem.
These 5 tips will help you get started. Learning them and using them will pay dividends today and in the future.
Everyone’s Been Through This
When you are starting a new job it’s a lot like the first day of school. Whether you are starting 1st grade, 8th …