Author: Stephanie Jones

Lifestyle & Habit Building

The Benefits of E-Learning for Career Development

Learning is an integral part of the workplace. It happens on a daily basis, informally and socially, as connections are made both in and outside of the workplace environment and individual employees are encouraged to take responsibility for their own professional development.

However learning cannot always be so easily naturalized within a workplace environment. While …

Communication & NetworkingJob SearchRelationships & Personal Growth

Interview Horror Stories: What NOT to do in an interview

Sweaty palms and trembling hands, nervous tics and traffic jams – when you’ve finally won an interview for your dream job, it’s easy to focus on the things that could go wrong rather than concentrate on the elements of an interview you can control. Planning, preparation, a nice clean outfit and research are what it’s …

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryCommunication & Networkingguest postLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

New Year’s Resolutions for Your Personal Brand

When it comes to building a company from the ground up, or searching for a job as an individual, the importance of building a differentiated brand is one of the most important things you should invest your time and resources in. While there’s no single secret to success, here are 10 New Year’s resolutions you …