To Be Confident Start by Acting Confident
Sometimes people take offense about “acting the part,” as if doing so means that they are fakes. Anyone who has children knows parenting is a fake-it-till-you-make-it experience. Surely confidence deserves the same pass. Comparable fake-it-till-you-make-it action is also what most enterprises are built on. (By the way, a good time to start your acting is …

What Does Self-Confidence Look Like?
The person with confidence is the person we turn to when problems of any kind arise. One of the chiefs I interviewed put it this way: “The CEO weapon of choice is a display of self-confidence.”
In the business press, confident-appearing CEOs are written about with descriptions like these:
“He spoke with such tremendous confidence…
You’re in Control of What Goes On Inside Your head
Your mind manages all of your life: your outlook, how you approach situations, and how you interact and work with others. It’s a feeling of great freedom to think what you want. Sure, there are random thoughts that come and go that you can’t do anything about. But the ones you put in and …

Integrity Trumps All
Nothing baffles people full of tricks and duplicities more than simple straightforward integrity.
So if you have pledged against texting or talking on your cell phone while driving, you shouldn’t do any of these things behind the wheel either: scratch off a lottery ticket, read the Bible, eat a bowl of cereal, change your clothes, …

Pick Your Fights; They Aren’t All Worth It
Don’t fight every fight with bullies or attackers, and don’t try to win all the fights you pick.
Ask yourself:
Is this important? Is my anger appropriate? Is my anger modifiable? Is this worth taking action? How do I see myself in this? (It’s best to assess and confess to your contribution to the problem.)When…
What is a Business Bully?
In all walks of life there are people who suck time away in political maneuvering, grabbing resources, and creating distractions. Not all problem people in your office are bullies, they are just people trying to strive and thrive like you are and you may not like everything they do just like they don’t like everything …

Bullies Aren’t Worth Your Time and Effort
Always have your antenna up because bullying is omnipresent among human beings. Nevertheless, don’t fight every fight with bullies, and don’t try to win all the fights you pick.
Ask yourself:
Is this important? Is my anger appropriate? Is my anger modifiable? Is this worth taking action? How do I see myself in this? (It’s…
How to Spot a Business Bully
Four out of five of us will experience a coworker who tries to bully or backstab. In all walks of life there are people who suck time away in political maneuvering, grabbing resources, and creating distractions. These people can get your eyes watering:
They secretly present your ideas as theirs. They take credit for your…
Confidence or Arrogance?
It’s arrogance, not confidence, when you:
Assume you know it all Think you’re smarter than others Don’t listen and learn Are full of bluster; too sure of yourself in every situation without reason Abuse your power, or browbeat, demean, or put down other people Act superior Think “I’m special. The rules don’t apply to me.”…
Make Apology When Necessary
When you need to make an apology for something:
Take action sooner rather than later. Don’t avoid and skirt the issue (the way politicians do when they routinely refer to their mistakes as “oversights”). Think through what you want to say. Phrase it carefully, write it down, and rehearse it. Plan where, when, and how…