When Do You Know that You are Successful?
Is is money, title, power? No. Experience from studying hundreds of successful people in all walks of life shows me you are successful when:
You are working towards, are on the brink, or have met your dream life and career goals while you remain a solid citizen. You are viewed as a “good” person: responsible, …
A Good Thing for Your Children’s Personal Branding
New educational pursuits are trending for teen and preteen girls to curb documented evidence that the U.S. is lagging behind other countries in competence in STEM* (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math). Did you know that while the U.S. has added more than 1 million IT jobs to the labor force, we lack the home-grown talent to …
A Cowboy’s Personal Branding
In business (and in Washington D.C.), too often a courageous-think-and-act-outside-of-the-box individual is pejoratively labeled a cowboy. As if being a cowboy is a bad thing! Whoa! That’s exactly what I want on my team.
Why? Because I know cowboys — real cowboys. They are about inspiration not regulation. They don’t worry about rules but rather …
Can You Over Communicate?
At a time with so many ways to communicate in person and online, it’s a reasonable question: Can you over communicate?
No, you can never over communicate. It’s sort of as the daft expression people like to say, “you can’t be too pretty, or have too much money.”
How you communicate is what makes the …
Pick Your Bosses Well
Clear Writing Becomes Part of Your Personal Brand
Clear writing comes from clear thinking.
Whether writing an email, a proposal, an article, here’s a simple 4-step test to ask yourself. It’s a must after each completed document before you hit “send.” It is equally important after each paragraph, even each sentence:
What am I trying to say? Have I said it in a…