When Do You Know that You are Successful?

Personal Branding

Is is money, title, power? No. Experience from studying hundreds of successful people in all walks of life shows me you are successful when:

You are working towards, are on the brink, or have met your dream life and career goals while you remain a solid citizen. You are viewed as a “good” person: responsible, honest, and fair. You have not, will not, do not let the business political system corrupt you. The upshot is your co-workers truly like, trust, and respect you — and your family members do too.

When you communicate — which you have to do all of the time with everyone in some manner or another — you are deemed as: impressive, memorable, credible, genuine, trusted, liked, competent, confident, comfortable, cool, calm, and collected. You set a good example of personal empowerment and leadership and you help infuse it in others.

Money, title, power may be an outcome of success, but’s that’s not what makes you a success.