entrepreneurshipNetworkingPersonal Branding

Personal Branding Weekly – Need to Know Who You Know

Talking in the Office photo from ShutterstockSomebody You Currently Work with can be a Valuable Connection.

This could be a fellow employee if you work for a company or an organization. If you’re a solopreneur, it could be anyone that you work with whether it is as a client or not. If you and the front end cashier of dry cleaner serve on a church committee they can bring great referrals to you and be a great source. If you let him/her know exactly what it is I’m looking for and s/he happens to connect with professionals who like to keep up a great image and are very good at presenting themselves, it might be a good fit for you.

Often, in organizations and companies, we have employees who have great connections outside of the workplace. They’re either baseball/soccer moms or someone involved in PTA. They might be very involved in junior league or some other activity outside of the office and they know somebody who would be either a great connection, connector or link. We have not spent the time necessary to fully understand who we already have in our network. Especially when we don’t see that person as the ‘end user’ that we would work with. You really never know who someone is, who they will become or who they influence.

Look around your office, workplace or organizational meetings, who might you need to get to know better? It never fails when I’m working with an organization, somebody says, “Well, we really need to work with this client.” And then all of a sudden, they find out later, “Well, our receptionist is cousin to so and so that works in that company”. Many times that discovery comes way too late.

See also  How Personal Social Media Brands Can Help Job Searches

Be at the forefront – connect with someone you currently work with. [tweet this]

Here’s more need to know items to help you manage your personal brand: