Couples who end up more like roommates than lovers usually display these 8 behaviors (without realizing it)

Ever feel like you and your partner are more like roommates than lovers?

One day, you’re wrapped up in passion and adventure, and the next, it’s all about grocery lists, bills, and asking, “Did you remember to take out the trash?”

The spark that once defined your relationship has quietly dimmed, and suddenly, you’re living parallel lives without even realizing it.

But here’s the kicker: couples who slide into “roommate mode” often display certain behaviors that slowly shift them away from romance. If you’re wondering whether you’re stuck in that rut—or just want to avoid it altogether—you’re in the right place.

Let’s break down the 8 subtle signs that could mean you’re more like cohabitants than lovers, and more importantly, what you can do about it!

1) Lack of intimacy

In any relationship, intimacy plays a crucial role. But as time goes on, some couples begin to lose this vital connection.

Think about it. The passionate kisses and long talks that once made up your evenings are replaced with a quick peck on the cheek and brief, functional conversations.

This is often the first sign that a couple is drifting into roommate territory.

When intimacy starts to dwindle, you’re not just losing those romantic moments. You’re losing the bond that ties you together as lovers rather than just roommates.

Preventing this requires awareness and effort. Recognize the signs of dwindling intimacy early and take steps to keep the spark alive.

It might be as simple as setting aside time each day for each other or planning regular date nights.

2) Communication breakdown

As a relationship expert, I’ve seen countless couples lose their connection due to a breakdown in communication.

All too often, couples fall into the habit of only talking about practical matters – bills, chores, schedules.

Conversations become transactional rather than emotional, and before they know it, they’re more like business partners than lovers.

If you’re not sharing your feelings, dreams, fears and joys with your partner, then you’re not really communicating.

To maintain a loving relationship, you need to keep the lines of emotional communication open.

3) Lack of shared interests

Couples often start out with a laundry list of common interests. But as time passes, those shared hobbies can fall by the wayside as each person gets caught up in their own routines.

This is a slippery slope that can lead to feeling more like roommates than lovers.

In my book, Breaking The Attachment: How To Overcome Codependency in Your Relationship, I discuss the importance of maintaining shared interests in a relationship.

Why is this so crucial? Shared interests foster a sense of camaraderie and connection.

They provide opportunities for bonding and creating memories together. You lose those opportunities when you stop engaging in activities you both enjoy.

So, take up that dance class you both used to love, or plan a trip to your favorite hiking spot. Rekindle your shared passions to keep the love in your relationship alive.

4) Too much time together

Now, this might seem a bit counterintuitive. After all, isn’t spending time together the cornerstone of a healthy relationship?

Well, yes and no.

While quality time is essential, there’s such a thing as too much of a good thing.

When couples spend every waking moment together, they can start to lose their individuality. This can lead to feeling more like roommates than lovers.

It’s crucial to maintain a sense of self outside your relationship.

Having separate hobbies, interests, and friendships allows for personal growth and keeps the relationship interesting.

Remember, you’re two individuals who chose to share your lives, not two halves of a whole. Maintaining your individuality can help ensure that you remain lovers, not just roommates.

5) Neglecting the small gestures

This one hits close to home. I remember a time when my husband and I got so caught up in our busy lives, we forgot to appreciate the little things. The goodnight kisses, the surprise coffee runs, the sweet notes – they all became rare.

And you know what? Our relationship started feeling more like a shared living arrangement than a romantic partnership.

Small gestures are the glue that keeps the romance alive. They show your partner that you’re thinking about them and that you care.

So, next time you pass by your partner’s favorite bakery, get them their favorite pastry. Or leave them a sweet note before you leave for work.

6) Avoiding the tough conversations

Raw honesty time: every relationship has its difficult moments. There are going to be tough conversations that you’d rather avoid.

But here’s the thing – avoiding these conversations can turn your love relationship into a roommate situation.

It’s natural to want to steer clear of conflict. But when you avoid addressing issues in your relationship, you create a distance between you and your partner.

This distance can slowly turn your passionate love into a mundane cohabitation.

So instead of sweeping the problems under the rug, face them head-on. It might be uncomfortable, but it’s crucial for keeping the love alive in your relationship.

7) Forgetting to laugh

I always say, “A couple that laughs together, stays together.” I wholeheartedly believe it because I’ve experienced it in my own relationship.

The moment we stopped sharing laughter was the moment we started feeling more like roommates than lovers.

Laughter is a powerful tool. It not only lightens the mood but also brings people closer.

If you can’t recall the last time you shared a hearty laugh with your partner, it’s time to change that. Watch a comedy show, share funny stories, or engage in playful activities.

8) Taking each other for granted

Let’s get real here. Nothing kills romance faster than taking each other for granted. It’s a slow, insidious process that can transform lovers into mere roommates before they even realize it.

When you start assuming that your partner will always be there, no matter how you treat them, you’re treading on dangerous ground.

You stop putting in the effort to show love, appreciation, and gratitude. This lack of effort can make the relationship lose its spark.

Make sure to appreciate your partner every day:

– Thank them for the small things they do

– Compliment them

– Express your love often


Recognizing these behaviors is the first step towards preventing your relationship from slipping into roommate territory.

It’s about maintaining the intimacy, communication, shared interests, balance in togetherness and separateness, appreciating small gestures, dealing with tough conversations, laughing together and never taking each other for granted.

Remember, it’s the small things that make a big difference. If you notice any of these signs in your relationship, don’t panic. You have the power to turn things around.

I delve deeper into these issues and provide practical solutions in my book Breaking The Attachment: How To Overcome Codependency in Your Relationship. It’s a great resource for anyone looking to maintain the love and passion in their relationship.

Love is a journey, not a destination. Let’s keep that journey exciting and filled with love.

Picture of Tina Fey

Tina Fey

I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. I'm writing to try and find it again. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.


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