If a man uses these 10 phrases in a conversation, he sees you as a potential soulmate

There’s something intriguing about the dance of conversation between two people who are potentially falling in love.

As a woman, you can often wonder, “Does he see me as a potential soulmate?” Well, the answer may lie in his words.

Men may not always be open with their feelings, but there are certain phrases that can give you a hint about their intentions.

In this article, I’m going to share 10 phrases that if a man uses during a conversation, it could mean he sees you as a potential soulmate. These aren’t just random words; they’re signals of a deeper connection.

Let’s get started.

1) “I’ve never met someone like you before”

In the realm of romance, words carry a lot of weight. Especially when it’s about recognizing your uniqueness.

When a man says, “I’ve never met someone like you before”, he isn’t just making casual conversation. He’s emphasizing on the fact that you’re different from anyone he’s ever known. A recognition like this is not something thrown around lightly.

This phrase implies his recognition of your individuality and how you stand out from the rest. It signifies that he sees something in you that he hasn’t found in others; something that makes you special.

It’s an indication that he’s potentially thinking beyond just a casual date or two. He sees a deeper connection, something special that could perhaps lead to a long-term relationship.

2) “You remind me of my mother”

Sounds strange, right? But hear me out.

One day, while having dinner with a guy I was dating, he said, “You remind me of my mother”. At first, I was taken aback. But then he explained that his mom was the strongest person he knew, and he admired her for her resilience and kindness.

While this phrase might initially seem off-putting, it’s actually a huge compliment. Men often hold their mothers in high regard. If you remind him of his mother, it means he respects and admires qualities in you that he finds endearing and comforting.

This phrase shows that he sees you as someone he can trust and rely on, like he does his mother. It indicates a deep level of respect and admiration which can be the foundation for a long-lasting relationship.

3) “I see a future with you”

The moment a man begins to talk about a future with you, it’s a significant indicator of his intentions. It’s not just about planning the next date or vacation, but envisioning life together in the long run.

This phrase is not just about wanting to spend time with you. It’s also about wanting to share his life, his dreams, and his future with you. It’s about seeing you as a partner who will be by his side in all walks of life.

And here’s something intriguing – according to relationship experts, when a man starts imagining and discussing a future with you, it often means he is emotionally invested and sees long-term potential in the relationship.

4) “I love how you think”

When a man is truly interested in you, he’s not just attracted to your looks, but also to your mind.

The phrase “I love how you think” shows that he appreciates your intellect and values your opinions. It indicates that he enjoys your conversations and finds your perspectives interesting and enriching.

When a man respects your mind, it shows a level of connection that goes beyond physical attraction. It’s about being attracted to your intelligence, your thought process, and the unique way you view the world.

5) “I feel like I can be myself around you”

This phrase is a big one. When a man says he can be himself around you, it means he feels comfortable, secure, and accepted in your presence.

It signifies that he doesn’t have to put on a facade or pretend to be someone he’s not. He feels free to express his thoughts, share his feelings, and even show his vulnerabilities.

This level of comfort and openness is essential in a long-term relationship. It means he’s not just attracted to you but also trusts you deeply.

6) “I missed you”

This phrase may seem simple, but its implications are profound. When a man says, “I missed you,” it means that your absence was felt and your presence is valued.

It’s about more than just missing someone physically; it’s about missing their energy, their laughter, their words, and the way they make you feel.

Hearing these words from a man signifies his emotional attachment to you. It shows that he cherishes the time he spends with you and longs for it when you’re not around.

7) “I trust you”

Trust is the bedrock of any strong relationship, and when a man openly declares it, it’s an important milestone.

I remember the first time a man told me, “I trust you.” It was in a situation where we had to make a tough decision together. His words weren’t just about that moment; they were about our bond and our future.

When a man says he trusts you, it means he believes in your judgement, values your opinions, and feels safe to share his innermost thoughts and feelings with you.

It’s a phrase that goes beyond casual dating and hints at deeper emotional intimacy. So if you hear these words from your man, it might just mean he sees you as his potential soulmate.

8) “I’m sorry”

Apologies are not always easy, especially for a man who prides himself on being strong and capable. So when a man says, “I’m sorry,” it carries a lot of significance.

This phrase shows that he values your feelings more than his ego. It shows that he’s willing to take responsibility for his actions and make amends when necessary.

Interestingly, the ability to apologize sincerely indicates a level of emotional maturity that is crucial for a long-lasting relationship.

9) “I support you”

When a man says, “I support you,” it means he’s there for you not only in good times but also in challenging ones.

This phrase shows he’s willing to stand by you, encourage you, and back your decisions. It means he respects your choices and will offer his assistance whenever you need it.

Support is a crucial element in a long-term relationship. It’s about being each other’s cheerleaders, confidantes, and pillars of strength.

10) “I love you”

These three words, when uttered sincerely, are the most powerful in any language. When a man says, “I love you,” it means he feels a deep emotional connection with you.

This phrase is about more than just romantic feelings. It’s about respect, trust, understanding, and commitment. It signifies that he sees you as an integral part of his life.

When a man tells you he loves you and his actions reflect his words, it’s the biggest sign that he sees you as a potential soulmate.

Conclusion: It’s all about connection

At the heart of all these phrases lies a fundamental human need – the need for connection.

When a man uses these phrases, he’s not just communicating his feelings, but also his desire for a deeper, emotional bond. It’s about seeing you as a partner, a confidante, and even more – a soulmate.

Psychologist Dr. Robert Epstein points out that love is not something we fall into; it’s something we build. And these phrases, when used sincerely, can be the bricks that construct a strong foundation for love.

In essence, it’s not just about the words but the emotions and intentions behind them. So if you hear these phrases from your man, pay attention. They’re not just words; they’re signals of his deeper feelings for you.

Remember, love is a journey and these phrases are just potential signposts along the way. They indicate possibilities, not certainties. But isn’t that what makes love so exciting and life so beautiful? The possibilities…

Picture of Tina Fey

Tina Fey

I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. I'm writing to try and find it again. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.


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