4 Career Failings You Should Forgive Yourself For
“To err is human; to forgive, divine.”
Alexander Pope’s famous quote touches upon an unfortunate quirk of human nature. We all make mistakes, but we also all struggle to forgive them. Moreover, our harshest condemnation is often reserved for the person most needful of our forgiveness: ourselves.
Time for a rethink.
Within the workplace, there …

Maintain Balance for Positive Results
Work life balance is the typical thought heard, but this just refers to the hours put in. Examining business further brings about many areas in which balance may take place.
Some of the differing areas to consider:
Cultural differences and experiences Technical versus creative ideas Senior versus junior generationsTeamwork within companies is vital to …

What the News Can Teach Us All
Free business mentorship is available in traditional print and online. From an unbiased perspective, take this challenge:
Read the articles of attention grabbing headlines as a police detective might do. Scour for motive, values and principles behind each piece revealed, and all the people potentially involved. Once you have thoroughly been informed by the article, …

Delete and Replace Annoying Habits to Increase Clientele
A mishap will predict whether you are likely to get the sale or not. Why? It’s the way in which you handle the circumstances plus your demeanor that reveal your true personal brand. Your prospective clients will either be completely turned off or duly impressed.
Stand out from the crowd as errors occur by proceeding …

Who Likes You and Where Do They Congregate?
Articles are always suggesting to review analytics of every type. This includes the number of likes and shares of our postings. Unfortunately, unless popularity is consistent, it becomes disheartening to see low figures when it comes to “likes”.
One source rarely provides the complete picture; analyze many.
A cautionary note is to not let poor …

How to Increase Audience Attention
Corporate sales training teaches representatives to speak to the simple client question, “Why should I care?” But the conversation is never that simple.
The real challenge is to first discover where the prospective client’s interests reside. Once that is known, the next step is to have the person confide the challenges they face every day. …

Steps You Can Take to Conquer All Your Goals
There are goals everywhere. Big goals, little goals, realistic goals and extremely unrealistic goals — everyone has them.
Maybe you want to stop drinking. Maybe you want a six-pack by the end of the year (unless you’ve already got a two- or four-pack, good luck with that one). Maybe you want to buy a new …

Policies to Remain in Good Standing
The Wells Fargo Bank fraudulent activities was a jaw dropping news event. We are all aware of protecting passwords online, but the bank magnified potential problems ahead. Upon walking into a bank, one normally trusts the tellers employed to handle bank accounts. The question becomes, is this a unique occurrence or might it happen again? …

Transform Dark Days into Opportunity
Your reaction to particularly awful days can make or break future success. The better action to take is to remain as calm as possible. Take quiet time to analyze how far you have come. Think about the twists and turns, and what currently has you stopped in your tracks.
Numerous conversations revealed that many almost …

Target the Reason People Buy
Television shows, movies and much of what we read speak to the need of managing our reputation. In particular, it’s important to monitor our online communication. If in the heat of the moment, we were to post something that we later regret, it could affect future employment and possibly all else we desire to achieve.…