Personal Branding Pledge 2016
This is the real time, a surreal time when obstacles fall away
By simply approaching them and encroaching on a new field of play
I go where I want because suddenly nothing is too tough
No barrier is too tall, no opponent is too rough to defeat me
Today, this year, or the remainder of …

21 Steps to Take Today to Ensure Tomorrow’s Success
1. Complete final tasks for 2015. Review all loose ends to be finalized to fully enjoy celebration of the year end.
2. Call current clients to wish them a Happy New Year. Calls made with genuine goodwill builds a strong bond and greater loyalty.
3. Send a message of warm wishes for the new year …

15 Ways You’re Sabotaging Yourself at Work
You don’t want to be “that guy” (or “that girl”) at work. You know the one. They’re super nice and great to be around, but you definitely don’t want to be stuck working on a project with them. Somehow they’ve been here for years and haven’t gotten fired, despite how unprofessional they can be.
However, …

What do you want … Money, Labor or Access?
When you are asking for help.
What do you really want?
What do you really need?
I typically see requests for one of three things.
You may be able to get all three.
However, you should know what you want before you make the ask. As you think about what you need to grow your …

Are You Connecting Personally?
One of the more important strategies in life is to match personally as well as professionally. This becomes the key differentiator for building business. For even better results, try putting yourself in the mindset of the other person.
Strive to understand all of the motivating factors for being granted the client meeting. Ask for the …

The New TLC: Trustworthy, Likable, and Charismatic!
Get ready for a shock to your ego. You may be the most reliable, congenial and caring individual – but it don’t mean a thing if you don’t have that zing! By zing, I mean that magnetic power some people have to light up a room with their personality. Charisma.
For a long time, we’ve …

Fixed or Growth — Why Your Mindset Matters
What’s your mindset?
Is it fixed?
Is it growth?
Why your Mindset Matters
Everyone has a mindset. That’s a given. However, not everyone’s mindset helps them achieve, strive and accomplish all that they are capable of on a regular basis.
I recently finished Carol S. Dweck’s book “Mindset” – which coincidentally is on Bill Gate’s …

Supercharge Goals and Achievements
Business development is dependent upon sales and both require setting goals. But goal setting by itself isn’t enough. There needs to be:
A consistent plan of action to be followed day in and day out Do you awake each day with your plan of action on your mind? Flexibility to adjust for changing times or…
The Importance of Happiness at Work
A sweeping misconception among many American workers regarding happiness and success is how the two coincide with one another. It is commonly thought that happiness is a result of success. For instance, once an individual gets the raise they want or the promotion they desire, then they will become happy.
The only problem is that …
Renew Friendship to Grow Possibilities
Being in business for some years may have you reminiscing back to the time you began. Images of the people you initially met when you were starting up come to mind. Then you begin to wonder where they are each at today such as:
Did they give up? Are they still in business? Has life…