What do you want … Money, Labor or Access?
When you are asking for help.
What do you really want?
What do you really need?
I typically see requests for one of three things.
You may be able to get all three.
However, you should know what you want before you make the ask. As you think about what you need to grow your …

Improve Meeting and Party Results with Holiday Cheer
Do you sometimes have a bit of the“bah humbug” feeling when the need arises to attend company events? Most likely, you would prefer to spend your time with family and friends. Even worse, a “gift exchange” may be a requirement. The pressure of time and money spent may put unwelcomed pressure on you.
Should you …
Things Successful People Do on Lunch Breaks
Lunch time is not only about eating lunch anymore. It is an hour of opportunity. Lunch hour can be one of the most useful hours of the day, if you know how to use it right. Whether you are catching up with a client or using it as a time to run personal errands, lunch …
How are you Sharing and Protecting your Assets?
You are what you share.
You might as well protect it.
It’s never been easier.
Are you using Creative Commons yet?
While the concept of copyright may be common knowledge I’d like to offer a soft skills warm up on a way to protect your rights and copyright. Understanding the way to share information – …
Where do you get in the Flow?
Where do you get your best ideas?
How do you find the time to work on them?
Is there a place you go to find your Flow?
Flow is Happiness
Getting in the flow is a good thing and something everyone should strive for as often as possible. Life will always intervene. However, it is …
5 Tips for Making Friends in a New Job
Introverted? No problem.
Extroverted? Also, no problem.
These 5 tips will help you get started. Learning them and using them will pay dividends today and in the future.
Everyone’s Been Through This
When you are starting a new job it’s a lot like the first day of school. Whether you are starting 1st grade, 8th …
How You Can Profit From Being Kind
The single most important aspect of business is the finesse you exhibit when you are with your “audience.” In coaching and teaching communication leadership, I often remind learners to “be kind to your audience.” And I constantly remind them to, “Take responsibility for your audience’s experience of you.”
Who is your audience? Everyone around you.…
Just Five Minutes … Twice a Day
Take 5 minutes — twice a day … to clear your mind.
Write down everything that crossed your brain.
Get it out. Dump it. Then decide if you should own it.
What’s the Point?
Everyone is inundated with stuff. Every day more and more stuff is crossing our streams. From what we see on TV, …
Becoming a Better Listener in Three Easy Steps
Everyone wants to be heard.
Whether they are speaking.
Or through their actions.
“When you have been listened to … you have a full measure of empowerment.” ~ Paul Shoemaker
Become a Better Listener
When you listen more you will become better at everything you do. This is also true if you are a professional …
What to Do with Labor Day Blues
Going back to work after the Labor Day holiday brings up all kinds of feelings. It’s evocative of going back to school, after summer vacation. It’s the return to normal. Normal is not necessarily a good thing.
The workplace is a lot like high school. It’s fraught with angst about being in or out, being …