Tag: Recommended Sites

Career ResourcesJob SearchRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill Development

4 Ways Social Media Can Blend Personal Brand and Job Search

In your job search, having a great personal brand is a wildly understated way to stand out and better your chances of getting hired.

Social media can be used as a catalyst that bridges the gap between personal brand and job search. According to Jobvite, 94 percent of recruiters use (or plan to use) social …

Career ResourcesRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill Development

Make The Most Of Your College Experience

Deal with your emotions first.

No matter where you go to college you can have a phenomenal experience and leverage your degree to get hired. Every college offers opportunities to broaden your knowledge base, expand your analytic abilities and gain real-world experiences through internships.  Adopting a proactive, positive attitude towards learning, meeting new people and …