Tag: Personal Branding

Career & WealthCareer ResourcesRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill Development

Personal Branding Weekly – Happy Birthday #Brandchat

This week we hit a milestone in a twitter chat that I started five years ago.  In fact, our #brandchat birthday is this Wednesday, February 19th. In five years, we’ve met many BRANDidos (a term of endearment for all those who chat and share their insights and resources). Some have stayed, others have left and …

Job SearchRelationships & Personal GrowthWorkplace Success

Greener Grass? – Leave for the Right Reasons

So there can be many benefits to switching jobs. Moving to another company is likely to bring you a bigger and quicker raise and perhaps an opportunity for promotion. And many people find it stimulating and refreshing to periodically take on new challenges, new surroundings, and new colleagues. There’s an excitement about changing jobs that …