What’s Irritating to Others When Using Video?
In recent years I’ve polled hundreds of people about their work in the digital age. This week, it’s what’s irritating about video?
When people:
Don’t acknowledge others on the other side of the monitor. Constantly look bored or continuously check their cellphone. Don’t speak up. Use cellphones to call which is usually a poorer connection.…4 Steps in Creating Your Video Interview Environment
Have you had a video interview? If you have not been in a video interview yet, just wait. This could be done via Skype, Google Hangouts, or a variety of other platforms. The key to a successful video interview is to look and, more importantly, sound your best.
Room SelectionThe room environment where you …
5 Ways Millionaires Approach Their Careers
In the majority of cases, it’s not luck that makes people money, nor is it who they know. Rather, the people who make the most money in their careers are the ones who display discipline, and who have a definitive sense of purpose and heavy duty resiliency.
The positive news is that even if you …
Should You Read this Later? When Procrastination is Good
There’s a National Association for just about anything you can think of including The Procrastination Association. As they say on their website, ‘Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after. If it weren’t for the last-minute, nothing would ever get done. Hard work has a future payoff. Laziness pays off NOW.’ …
6 Tips to Making a Positive First Impression
It’s true that you only have one chance to make a good first impression. It’s also true that first impressions are often lasting ones. For that reason, it’s important that you do all you can do to influence a positive reaction when people meet you. Here are tips to making a great first impression:
1) …
Build your Personal Brand on Facebook for Your Next Job Search
When it comes to building your personal brand for new career opportunities we think of tapping into LinkedIn. But did you know that Facebook is also a valuable job search tool? This powerful network is a perfect place to showcase your accomplishments and skills, and build a strong reputation.
So how do you best use …
3 Contexts of Communication Drive Success in Business, Life
Back in the more immature years of my adult life I would go into an emotional funk for days at a time in which I stayed as silent as I could both publicly and personally.
In looking back at those moments I felt as if I didn’t want to communicate with anyone. I was just …
Graduation and Transitions Are Your Time to Shine
It’s that time of year when commencement addresses are in the air and all those years of hard work are coming to fruition. Graduation is truly the culmination of your hard work… Enjoy it. Revel in it. And, make sure you are ready for the next step. Which, gasp, will take more work on your …
5 Lessons in Appreciation to Teach My Younger Self
This week Sandra Bullock addressed a high school graduating class sharing life tips and advice she would share with her younger self. The responses from the students were elation, joy and great appreciation for all of her support of their school and even scholarships she awarded.
Now, that I’ve partnered with Dr. Paul White, creator …
Quick Hits in Developing The New Crop of Grads
With a new wave of college graduates entering the workforce over the next few weeks, employers should revisit their systems and procedures to create the most productive environments for their newest assets. Below are a few tips on how to engage and start growing your future from the first month of their career.
Perpetual Performance…