Tag: Personal Branding

Career & WealthNetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Do These 5 Things to Market Yourself Well

Marketing, by definition, is creating a positive environment for exchange. It could be exchange of goods and services. Yet, in today’s economy, it also includes the exchange of human resources for financial resources.

Viewing yourself as the product that you are marketing, might help you in wrapping your mind around the power and the necessity …

Job SearchRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill Development

Telling Good Stories Can Win You the Job!

Looking for a workable approach that can effectively set you far apart from other candidates who are vying for the same positions as you and help you become the candidate of choice? Crafting and effectively telling good stories that visually illustrate what is unique, professionally, about you can accomplish precisely that! Why? Because most other …

Career & WealthNetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Six Tactics to Increase the ROI of Attending Conferences

Whether you’re a business professional or entrepreneur, there’s a good chance you’ll benefit from attending a conference. Trade shows, annual conventions and industry meetings are a great way to attract clients and network for future job opportunities.

Do you want to get the very best ROI possible when attending industry events?

Six Tips for Getting…
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