Tag: Personal Branding

Communication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthWorkplace Success

Take the 2-Minute Express to Heaven or Hell

Inside of two minutes, you can provoke mindfulness, a meditative state, or anxiety. You do it simply focusing your thoughts. Most of us do anxiety, rage, irritation, frustration, disappointment, and fear pretty reliably. Maybe you have the land speed record on those.

The terrible truth is, what you believe is “natural,” is not. How you …

Career & WealthRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

Learning from Leaders of the Past

In order to get a true feel of what comprises a leader, it’s crucial to analyze those who came before us. Both their cultivated and natural leadership qualities led them to success in various situations. The concrete examples by proven leaders below act as guideposts for our ambitions toward becoming great leaders that attract remarkable …