New Year, New Career
Each new year offers a time to reflect on the past year and set goals for the new one. And this year is no exception. With the economy continuing to improve, more people are likely to seek career improvement in 2015.
As I reflected back on clients who were successful in making career improvements in …
How to Create and Use an Infographic Resume
Pictures are not only worth a thousand words, they can also help you get a job. Visual content is more appealing to look at and can illustrate quickly, making them ideal for resumes. While many creative types are using infographic resumes, there are some situations in which you’ll want to stick to traditional text in …
Surprise! 90,000 Gifts for You!
Why would anyone want 90,000 gifts for Christmas or whatever your seasonal holiday is? Not even the greediest person would want 90,000 gifts, right? Not even the #1 person on Santa’s list, the nicest person who deserves the best of the season’s bounty wants 90,000 gifts. So where on earth is someone getting 90,000 gifts?…
7 Ways to Increase Cash Flow In Your Business
Running a business means there’s an ebb and flow to income. Your goal, however, is to have more flow than ebb. Here are tips for injecting more cash flow into your business.
1) Reduce expenses – The less you spend, the more you keep. Reducing your business expenses is one of the fastest ways to …
Take the 2-Minute Express to Heaven or Hell
Inside of two minutes, you can provoke mindfulness, a meditative state, or anxiety. You do it simply focusing your thoughts. Most of us do anxiety, rage, irritation, frustration, disappointment, and fear pretty reliably. Maybe you have the land speed record on those.
The terrible truth is, what you believe is “natural,” is not. How you …
Will Your Business Survive Over Time?
In January 2015, my business will turn 17 years old. That’s not a record. Many businesses have been around for over 100 years. But my business is web-based, and in Internet years, 17 is a long time. In fact, my website is older than Google.
Over those 17 years, I’ve had a lot of ups …
Enhance Your Resume with More Accomplishments
I sat down this week with a 39 year old client to review his resume. As we went through his resume, I suggested changes and the reasons for them. Perhaps some of the items we discussed would be helpful to you. Here goes….
Creating attention from the start of your resumeMy client’s resume started …
Is Fear a Part of Your Professional Life?
During my work with job seekers or those contemplating a job/career change, I evaluate the amount of fear that drives—or paralyzes—my clients. To some extent, all of them exhibit fear originated by some threat—or so they perceive. For a person out of a job, that feeling is not only a perception but also, unfortunately, a …
Are You Seeking Respect and Failing in Interviews
Seeking Respect in Interviews
Are you seeking respect and backing off your usual style when you first meet someone?
I have several new clients whose natural style is to be direct in their communication. In contrast, they have a high need for respect in their dealings with other people, as defined by their Birkman Assessment.…
Learning from Leaders of the Past
In order to get a true feel of what comprises a leader, it’s crucial to analyze those who came before us. Both their cultivated and natural leadership qualities led them to success in various situations. The concrete examples by proven leaders below act as guideposts for our ambitions toward becoming great leaders that attract remarkable …