Tag: Personal Branding

PositioningRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Could You Recover From These Personal Branding Nightmares?

Does your personal brand have what it takes to overcome one of these nightmares?

5 personal branding nightmares

Being Labeled A One Hit Wonder

People tend to starting using this label about someone who has had only one significant achievement long enough ago that they could have repeated it by now, yet haven’t. If that …

Communication & NetworkingNetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthSocial Media

If You Suck, Your Personal Brand Does, Too

Personal branding is not shameless, endless self-promotion. It’s not direct messaging me with your faux request to “take this IQ test and see if you’re smarter than me.” It’s not directing me to your website with every post. It’s not seeing yourself as the epicenter of everything to do with your industry, category, talent, idea, …

Brand Yourself AseBrandPositioningRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation ManagementSocial Media

Are You Ready for the Personal Branding Cloud?

Last week I shared with you how to sync up your Twitter and Linkedin profiles to help promote your personal brand. This week I will take a look at Linkedin and their announcement to open the Linkedin platform, what this means for your personal brand, and the evolution of the Personal Branding Cloud.

Excerpt from …

Brand Yourself AseBrandRelationships & Personal GrowthSocial Media

Twitter Personal Branding Q + A #4

Responses to recent tweets made recently by people about personal branding.

Sherman M. Cheng, @chengm7ny, asked: thinking of building up my personal brand…but what should I start with?

Jacob Share, @jacobshare:

The first part of a personal branding is to understand what its goals should be i.e, once you’ve understood what your personal branding goals …

Communication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingNetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Secrets to Getting More Referrals – Part 2

Increasing Your “Referability” Factor


Getting referrals and attracting opportunities from people you connect with both in person and online comes down to being highly referable.

Last week I posed some questions to help you assess your referability factor. The first three test whether you’re giving contacts enough information to make the referral:

Can contacts…
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Career & WealthLifestyle & Habit BuildingPositioningRelationships & Personal Growth

Personal Branding to Prevent Career Suicide

Two days ago I read an article on CNNMonday.com about how many people are afraid that taking a “survival job” to make ends meet now will destroy their career when the economy picks up again.

That’s very understandable.  When you’re forced into a lower-level job than you were currently doing, or find yourself doing a …