When You’re Most Visible Are You On-Brand?
Classy. Conan O’Brien’s final evening with NBC he spoke directly to the audience sharing with them that on this last night he could speak in whatever manner he wanted to about the network with no ramifications. After the last show, he was then in a legal agreement to not say any disparaging remarks about the …
Discovering Your Message
I have the privilege of teaching an MBA course on social media and, out of 12 sessions total in the spring semester, I’m dedicating three to the topic of personal branding.
Why would I devote a full quarter of the class to one subject when there are so many other “cool” things like Twitter and …
Can Your Personal Brand Create Real Financial Change?
Have you made the leap and started your personal branding journey? Do you ever wonder if creating your personal brand is worth it? Can it create opportunity and even financial change? Can it happen to you?
It can. It will. If you begin.
Just like all of you, there was a day when I did …
Gordon Gecko and Information as a Commodity
I absolutely love the movie Wall Street. There are plenty of reasons why I love the movie but it is not because of the awesome acting, the dull color fade of the 1980’s, or the slicked back hair styles of Charlie Sheen and Michael Douglas. It is one line that makes the movie… one line …
20 Ways to Give to Enhance Your Personal Brand
Giving is on my mind lately, with the tragedy still unfolding in Haiti. Rob Key, CEO of social media marketing and communications agency Converseon, says you should “lead with altruism” and “come bearing gifts.” He’s referring to the use of social media by businesses, but I think the same rules should be applied when creating …
5 Tips to Communicate More Effectively
If you haven’t heard about the napping transit worker who was caught on TwitPic and the firestorm of controversy that ensued, there’s a lesson to be learned: it only takes one tweet to capture you a moment that kills your personal brand. Which got me thinking about another medium that quickly spreads: email.
Take 5…Create Your Own Career Insurance Policy via Your Personal Brand
Is anyone else sick of hearing people use the recession as an excuse for just about everything? “Oh well I can’t, you know, the recession…”
Well, Negative Nancy, guess what? You should of learned your lesson when the dot com bubble burst and then again after September 11- there is no such thing as job …
Personal Brands: Watch Your Step
I’m laying here injured. The worst of it isn’t the aches and pains. The real crime is that I did it myself.
Zach, a friend of mine, did it times three. After a late night drink with the guys, he did the right thing: he got his friend, who was sober, to drive him home. …
33 Personal Branding Lessons From Baseball Lore
You may be wondering what the heck does Personal Branding have to do with baseball. I thought it would be fun to take a look at some of baseball’s best lessons and apply them to Personal Branding. They have more in common than you think.
33 Personal Branding Lessons From Baseball Lore The best hitters…The Branding Power of Personal Projects
Personal projects are a great way to kick start your personal brand.
Have you ever felt this way?Ji Lee is a Creative Director at Google Creative Labs. After 4 years in a past job, he felt stifled and frustrated by the lack of progress until he finally realized what his problem was: other people …