How Much Are You Worth?
How do you rate the your value on the marketplace? How do you figure out how much you are actually worth? How much should you charge a potential client?
Let’s say you determine this through how much and how you are paid. Is that hourly? Salary? Project to project? I read a blog by Seth …
4-Step Personal Brand Promise Checklist
These four questions are a great way to hone in on the value you provide, and ensure that your network’s perception of you aligns with your perception of yourself. Once they are the same, and you are delivering on your brand promise, I guarantee you will start attracting more opportunities into your life. I believe …
How to Not Burn Bridges When You Resign
As the job market bounces back, top talent is moving on from organizations that treated them less than fair during the Great Recession. Regardless, my policy is to never burn a bridge if you can help it. Is it possible to resign on good terms? Absolutely!
Remove emotion from the situationEasier said than done, …
The Danger of Becoming Complacent
I am reading the book Only the Paranoid Survive by Andrew Grove (Co-founder of Intel). In the book he talks about the inertia of success and how in some ways… it can lead to the defeat of your business and personal brand in the long haul.
The ongoing searchWe are all searching for success …
Word of Mouth 2.0 – “Personal References” by Google
When I started Vizibility last year, we hired accountants, lawyers and other professionals to help us get the business going. Very few of us choose a lawyer or doctor or Realtor or [fill in the blank] based solely on the company’s television ad or website or phone-book ad or referral alone. We may start with …
Personal Brands: Stick It
If you were a bumper sticker, what would you say for all the world to see, as we drive by you stuck on a fender?
Would you tell us to give peace a chance?
Would you tell us you’re a fan of mixed martial arts?
Would you boast your kid made honor roll?
Would you …
A Lesson In Personal Branding From The Women of SNL
This weekend I watched a TV special about the women of Saturday Night Live that really made me appreciate the cast members for their talent as well as their brand. I learned the stories of great comediennes such as Tina Fey, Maya Rudolph, Sarah Silverman and Amy Poehler. These women, of course, are part of …
HOW TO: Build a Strong Online Brand in 14.5 Hours per Week
A Wall Street Journal blog post by Dan Finnigan, CEO of Jobvite, last week entitled, “A Resume Is Not Enough: How to Market Yourself Online” makes a really good point in the headline alone: having a positive online presence is more important than ever.
And if you’re without a job right now, you should have …
I Do Not Use Correct Punctuation. So What?
I have had a couple of conversations over the past week pertaining to my use of correct (or lack of) punctuation in my blog posts. There are many that have lectured me over the correct use of punctuation and grammar when writing my blog… (there it goes) simply because of my so-called lack of professionalism.…
8 Tips for Attorneys to Build Your Personal Brand
A lot of people think personal branding is only useful for celebrities. But anyone can benefit from it to articulate their strengths, differentiate their unique value and leave a lasting impression that wins clients and new business (if you’re new, start with the personal branding worksheet). Today we’ll take a look at some tactics attorneys …