You Can Change Your Reputation at Work. Here’s How.
Whether you went off the deep end one day after a little too much liquid at lunch, lost your temper and kicked the trash can across the office, never meet a deadline, are late to work every single day, or you are known for starting rumors faster than the laser printer kicks out pages, you …
Why Do You Benefit from Boot Camp?
A boot camp is a famously crushing work out with a drill instructor yelling at you. Or a personal trainer screaming to do “four more.” Why would anyone go to a boot camp? Because it’s actually an immersion, a totally dedicated and focused period of time when you do all the things you should do …
11 Tips for Negotiating a Contract Like a Pro
Negotiations – you either love them or hate them. In either case, you will have to do it when you’re in the business world. For those who would rather not deal with them, it’s a necessary evil. The good news is that once you learn how to negotiate effectively, you won’t dislike it as much …
10 Ways to Alleviate Your Pre-Interview Jitters
Nobody really likes job interviews. They’re stiff, stressful and it can often feel like your entire future is riding on a dozen impossible decisions. Should you wear the black pants, or the blue? Should you revamp your resume one more time? Switch the font? Get a new headshot?
All that worrying, of course, can have …
8 Ways Hobbies Can Help You Get Jobs
Looking for work can be emotionally draining. It creeps into your life, consuming nearly every minute of your day. At 11 p.m., you’re browsing job boards. At 3 a.m., you’re rewriting your resume for the five thousandth time. Weekends become a haunting ground for feelings of guilt and self-loathing, and any time spent away from …
8 Tech Skills Entrepreneurs Need to Succeed
There’s no denying, entrepreneurs – or those aspiring to be – must retain as much knowledge as they possibly can and they must also continue to grow it. That’s because, in order to be successful in any market, you’ll need to hone your skills, knowledge and be vigilant in your work.
That’s why, in addition …
Eliminate Excruciating Problems Fast With 1 Simple Rhyme
You know how badly you need some go-to life hacks that really work.
We all do. We need super effective strategies that don’t involve buying one more app, signing up for a new dashboard or watching instructions on YouTube.
You certainly don’t need to be touted about TaskRabbit or Fiverr or any of these so-called …
Networking is Necessary to Support Your Personal Branding
In college, it’s called socializing; in business it’s called networking. You do the same thing; it’s just that your clothes aren’t as sexy.
One CEO told me, “My wife encourages sleepovers for the kids and sports so that they learn to network from the start.”
So a few tips to do daily:
-have the goal …
5 Tips for the Executive Level Resume
There’s a lot of misinformation when it comes to resume writing and, as a top executive, you can’t afford mistakes. So how do you make sure your resume stands out without taking an unnecessary risk? The following guidelines will keep you on track to develop the perfect executive level resume.
Quantify Your WorkWherever you …
Your Personal Branding Can Start at a Young Age
At thirteen my mother found me secretly reading a movie star magazine. She kindly explained, “you aren’t pretty enough to be a movie star so you should develop your personality.” Now, do not take her words as insulting. I didn’t and I don’t. Till her dying moment she was my biggest fan. She did not …