Tag: Personal Branding

Relationships & Personal GrowthReputation ManagementSocial Media

Twitter Personal Branding Q + A #9

Answers to some of the latest questions people are asking on Twitter about personal branding.

Rochelle, @_Rochelle, twittered: Question: does ur personality / personal brand remain constant when blogging on a community vs own blog?

Jacob Share, @jacobshare: If you feel the need to manage multiple personal brands, it’s easier and better to focus all …

Relationships & Personal GrowthReputation ManagementSocial Media

How to Monitor Your Reputation and Boost Your Brand Online

Google Alerts

alerts”>Alerts can be very valuable to monitoring your online presence, addressing consumer concerns and keeping up with your niche or industry. All you need to do is choose a keyword or phrase to set up an alert for. You can choose the option to receive alerts instantly or daily.

Start off with setting …

Brand Yourself AsRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Once Upon a Time, a Brand Outlaw

There’s a new reality out there. It’s called Business Unusual. More people have higher expectations, are more impatient and uncertain of which path to follow because all the rules have changed. The internet has changed the speed of business like nothing else, and according to best-selling author David Meerman Scott in his latest, must-read book, …

authors cornerBrand Yourself AsCommunication & NetworkingCorporate BrandingMarketingRelationships & Personal Growth

How to Make Your Personal Branding Messages Resonate

The best way to ensure your personal branding message gets through to your clients, co-workers, and prospects is to fully engage them, so that your ideas resonate – or are in perfect sync – with them.

Resonate is also the title of a new book from Nancy Duarte, Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences.…

Communication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

5 Important Lessons for a Creating a Successful Brand

While ‘branding’ used to only be associated with organizations, many of the important lessons that companies learned along the way can also apply to your personal brand. Here are five lessons that I think are important to consider:

Position yourself strategically

Just like an organization or company needs to be aware of their competition in …

authors cornerConfidence & AppearanceRelationships & Personal Growth

Your Online Activity and Personal Brand are Your (Digital) Assets

If you’re reading the Personal Branding Blog, you’re probably like me and spend 8+ hours online each day between work and play.  Take a second and think, how many online services did you use today and what did you use them to do?  Yesterday, I used 19 online services to create and share information, connect …

Relationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Authenticity During Your Job Search Pays Off

au•then•tic•i•ty (aw-then-tis-i-tee) –noun: the quality of being authentic; genuineness.

au•the•ntic (aw-then-tic) –adjective: accurate in representation of the facts; trustworthy; reliable

Being authentic comes in many shapes and forms and when applied to the job search. Candidates need to be careful about how authentic they are during the job search, or do they?

Get authentic and…
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