Convert Prospects To Clients With Branding Ease
“You are a breath of fresh air” is the exclamation II always heard from prospects and clients alike while in the field of professional sales. This actually became my brand.
The strategy of being “fresh air” translates beautifully into interviewing and entrepreneurship to put you into the top candidate position. If you are ever frustrated …
How Your Personal Brand Changes Over Time
Your personal brand isn’t meant to be stagnant. After all, throughout your career, you’ll certainly grow and change as an individual. So will your business.
What influences these changes in your personal brand over time?
Your experience New business ventures Switching career paths Interests New skills Your mentors or close colleaguesJust because you’ve built …
6 Intangibles That Can Get You Hired
The new job post of today, and certainly tomorrow, looks something like this:
Wanted: 20 year company seeking sales professional with 5 years of a proven track record in increasing new business, expanding sales territory and customer categories, increase existing account spending and sales team loyalty who plays well with others, encourages creative thinking, builds …
A Cup Of Coffee To Unexpected Influencers
Dr. Robert Cialdini has written many best-sellers, including Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, Yes!: 50 Scientifically proven Ways to Be Persuasive, and Influence: Science and Practice. His purpose is to conduct and translate proven scientific research into ethical business applications.
On his Influence at Work website, some interesting new findings on the level of an …
Branding Yourself To Be Headhunted
So, you’re looking for a new career opportunity, either because you have lost (or expect to lose) your current job OR because you are one of the many ready to “test the waters” now that the economy is getting better. In fact, there are about 108 million currently employed …
Look For Your Next Job While You Have This One
I’ve got a friend, Lyle, who is scared in his job right now.
Lyle is 48, working for a large organization, and figures he is only holding on to this job by the skin of his teeth. Lyle spends his days keeping his head down, not offering any opinions, and avoiding trouble of any sort. …
30 Costly Personal Branding Errors To Avoid
See “intellectual dishonesty” if you think this list isn’t for you.
We’re all somewhere on this list.
And that’s not a bad thing; it means there’s still room to grow.
30 personal branding no-no’s
In no specific order:
Lack of a chosen, designed branding plan to follow, including online and offline strategies Not measuring your…Branding Lessons From The Burson, Facebook And Google Scandal
Even big brands misstep and make mistakes. Unfortunately, the bigger your brand is, the more public backlash you subject it to.
The public relations nightmareRecently, a story broke that Facebook hired a top PR firm, Burson-Marsteller, to pitch anti-Google stories to media outlets. The pitch claimed that Google was invading users’ privacy with a …
The Difference Between Job Seekers And Successful Job Seekers
Picture it. Sicily, 1942. If you’ve ever seen “The Golden Girls” a flashback of Estelle Getty as Sophia telling her famous stories likely just ran through your head. She was a great storyteller as are many of my six aunts. Just last week, while mourning the loss of my dear Uncle Joe, my Aunt Joan …
Personally Dominate Mobile Marketing
Mobile is an area of fascination for many advertisers and marketers, partially because it is confounding. Ideally, mobile commerce is more efficient than search because its targeted consumers aren’t those sitting on couches and thinking about purchasing something. Instead, the campaigns are focused on consumers who are out in the real world and are very …