Insecurity: A Driving Force for Good & Evil
During an interview on FOX Business News last week, the host challenged me when I mentioned insecurity and low self-esteem is an epidemic and causes most workplace conflict.
The brief four minute segment was too short to give the issue its due, so this may be the best forum to discuss it.
He challenged me …
Overcoming Rejection to Achieve Success
Rejection sucks, but it’s not the end of the world. In fact, rejection is a part of success. People who avoid rejection don’t get hurt or disappointed, but neither do they feel accomplished or successful. No one likes to hear “no”, but you can’t achieve your goals without taking a risk. Here are some tricks …
Know What The Hiring Manager is Thinking to Get Hired!
Act and think like an insider to get hired! — Beth Kuhel
How can you possibly know what the hiring manager is thinking and how could this help you if you did? The answer is, you can’t know exactly what he or she is thinking but you can get a glimpse into their mindset, values, …
Let’s Get Physical
Fall is in the air. The leaves are changing colors, the days are getting shorter, and people are settling in for the Winter. (At least in the Northern Hemisphere).
While we are settling in at work for the last quarter of the calendar year we have Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas all sneaking up on us. …
Make Likes Matter to Your Word of Mouth
Research has shown that close to 70 percent of adults with access to the Internet log in to Facebook daily. Such numbers present a good opportunity for personal brands to reach to their target audiences faster. Consider who you want to reach who would be a great referral source, connection, provider of up-to-date information in …
Revitalize Marketing Materials and Your Business
Entrepreneurship provides us with a roller coaster ride as the economy and technology change. How you anticipate change, prepare for it, and run with the new model will determine your future success.
Business is obviously much easier to control when the economy is good. But one pitfall of many is to spend too much money …
Lessons in Personal Branding Success from Jay Conrad Levinson
The personal sadness so many felt last week, after learning that Jay Conrad Levinson had died, emphasize that an individual’s personal brand extends far beyond their accomplishments.
Few authors and advertising/marketing professionals have achieved as much brand-building success as Jay Conrad Levinson.
Before creating his own Guerrilla Marketing brand of best-selling marketing books and educational …
We Judge with Our Eyes
I am on vacation and not even on American soil. It is a vastly different milieu in almost every respect. I find myself continuously comparing, contrasting, judging, and labeling people. Of course, this continuous chatter is only in my head. I don’t share it with anyone, God forbid.
But isn’t that what we do in …
Google Yourself to Manage Your Brand
Have you ever Googled yourself? According to a new study from the Pew Research Center, 56 percent of Internet users have searched for their own name online. This is up from 22 percent when they first asked Internet users in 2001, but today’s percentage has remained relatively the same in the last few years.
It …
What’s the Best Answer to the Dreaded Weakness Question?
Research on investor confidence sheds light on how you should answer the worst question you may be asked in a job interview. That would be:
What is your greatest weakness?
You could of course, be honest. The true answer might be:
Fig Newtons
Fine, limp hair with no volume
My right quadriceps
Ryan Gosling