Tag: management

Career & WealthWorkplace Success

Business Lessons Learned from Horrible Corporate Holiday Parties

Laughter is the best medicine for any occasion, and these stories should make you feel great! But underneath the funny recounting of circumstances, are excellent business lessons. As you read each of the stories and questions that follow, you will recognize a critical element for business development and sales that went missing. Having included those …

Relationships & Personal GrowthWorkplace Success

‘Tis the Season, But This One Doesn’t Offer Gifts

It’s here, again!

The season is back.

No, I’m not talking about the holiday season.

I’m talking about the Annual Performance Review Season, right?

Yes, ’tis the season everyone in the working world dreads, isn’t it?

More procrastination is engaged in during this time of the working year around the annual performance review than any …

Relationships & Personal GrowthSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

Telecommuters: Keep Your Value in Your Employer’s Mind

Citing a goal to improve collaboration between employees, HP followed Yahoo!’s lead by ordering telecommuters back to the office. Studies report that telecommuters are more productive and lower overhead expenses, but telecommuting does create challenges in collaboration and communication. Telecommuters are out of sight and therefore out of mind. As a result, they’re often viewed …