Tag: job hunting

Job SearchRecruitmentRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Have You Checked Your References?

Your resume is perfect. You nailed the job interviews. And now your future employer wants to check your references.  No problem …right?  Well, hopefully…but who really knows what your references say about you?  How do they handle the tough questions like” why are you leaving your current job” or “what could you improve on”?  When …

Communication & NetworkingJob SearchRecruitmentRelationships & Personal Growth

5 Job Search Mistakes Show You’re Not Paying Attention

Applying for jobs is one of the most burdensome aspects of the job search process. Cover letters, resumes, applications – lots of paper work requiring sharp attention to detail.  With so many things to pay attention to, people are bound to make mistakes. But as we all know, every little thing counts when it comes …

Job SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRecruitmentRelationships & Personal Growth

5 Considerations Before Accepting the Job (Besides Salary!)

When deciding whether or not to accept a job offer, it’s important to look at more than just dollars and cents. Money is important, and we all obviously want as much as possible, but a job can and should bring with it many other benefits that matter to us, sometimes, more than money.

If you’ve …