Write an About Me Page that Reflects Your Brand
Your online brand is often someone’s first stop to learn more about the “real you.” Applying for a job opening? The hiring manager will likely Google you. Trying to bring on a new client? I’m sure they searched the Web, looking for positive or negative results about you and your company.
So, as much as …
Linked Out? Link In.
The job is tedious. Below you. Boring. Ridiculous. Worse than ridiculous when you consider your degree, stage of life, needs, self-image, friends’ careers … the litany is long, when it comes to why you are better than your job.
What you don’t know is that your miserable job is a link in the chain that …
Act Like You Expect Great Things
I’ve interviewed five people in the last two weeks, because I’m adding to my staff. Some candidates were qualified skill-wise, but their personal brands were filled with sarcasm, skepticism and hostility. No matter what you say or what your resume has printed on it, your personal brand is going to win you or lose you …
A Cup of Coffee to Good, Fast, Cheap
Following the “Good, Fast, Cheap” rule can rapidly solidify or dissolve your brand, depending on how you prioritize the three prongs.
The “Good, Fast, Cheap” rule has long been used in industries such as construction and systems development, and is relevant for businesspeople and consumers alike. For those of you unfamiliar, here’s a quick explanation:…
Develop Personal Branding Goals That Stick
With the New Year come and gone, many people made resolutions they’ve vowed to stick to for 2011. Perhaps you would like to beef up your online presence by revamping your current website. Or maybe you’re looking to add several new clients in the coming months. Whatever your goal (or goals) for the New Year …
Tactically Speaking: VPPs Matter
Launching or re-launching your personal brand? The best target audience is the toughest to get. You need to be known by Very Powerful People. Visibility and connections with your industry’s VPPs gets you faster traction and a sharper trajectory, whether you’re looking for a new job, ready to leave one field for another, or want …
Your Networking Piggy Bank
Would you be motivated to network if whenever you shook hands with someone, you got a penny? Would you be inspired to take action if you got a nickel when you shared information with another? How about if you got a dime when you provided encouragement to a person who was down? The answer to …
A Cup of Coffee to 2010’s Biggest Branding Takeaways
Lest history repeat itself throughout 2011, there are many significant branding takeaways from 2010 that shouldn’t be overlooked.
Here are my Top Three 2010 Branding Takeaways. Please leave a comment below and add to the list of the Biggest 2010 Branding Takeaways!
1) Your Brand Must Be Backed By a Quality Product.
People will follow …
Be A Good Sport
Sportsmanship is not limited to games played on fields, courts, and courses. After all, what is sport? It is simply athletic competition. Absent the athletics, it is merely competition.
As a human being, you compete every day, do you not? In your career. In business. At home, subtly, with neighbors. The entire human existence – …
3 Keys to Create Increased Success in the New Year!
The transition to entrepreneurship is not an easy one. Personally, I was accustomed to having a team around me with whom I could confide challenges, ask for advice and discuss new ideas to improve my selling effort. I found being a solo-preneur lonely and filled with much uncertainty.
Through the years I endured many trial …