Tag: communication

Communication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingSocial Media

Avoid These 3 Killer Blogging Mistakes

Consider you almost always have an audience. I use the term “audience” to reference any person who receives your messages. That could be spoken, written, live or archived words. They may be accompanied by sound, video, photos, graphics, slides, and links (or not).

I use the term audience with reverence and respect, because all around …

Communication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

5 Tips On Your Brand’s Emotional Footprint

Feelings, sometimes nothing more than feelings, define a brand, including a personal brand. What about yours?

If Disneyland is the happiest place on earth, than emotion must be an integral factor in successful branding. Coke would like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony, so the warm fuzzy feeling of connection – not …