The New Girl Nice
I had the opportunity to spend Friday afternoon and evening with Zooey Deschanel, star of the hit Fox show The New Girl. She filmed an upcoming episode at one of my companies’ locations, and the producers cast my business partner Jon Torerk and several of BioMechanixLA trainers in the show. I can’t give away too …
Does Your Personal Brand Use The Right Vocabulary?
Just the other day, we asked the question: Does your Personal Brand Use the Right Language?
So, today, we are going to take it to the next level.
You’re speaking the right language. You’re communicating with your audience about things that they care about.
BUT, are you using the right vocabulary?
Your chosen words are…How to Get ‘Call-Backs’ to Job Hunting VM Messages
Yes, the economy is improving and you are among the 75 million or so people who want a new job . . . your career is stalled . . . you are frustrated . . . you are underpaid and you want a fresh start! So, you do what 90% of most job seekers do …
15 Questions To Test Your Hostility Level
Answer these questions (honestly – no one will know but you):
1. An office mate eats a sandwich with a whole lot of onions
a. I consider his odor might increase my chances for a promotion
b. I consider telling him he’s stinking up the place
2. My IT consultant leaves after fixing my computer …
One Word Guarantees They’ll Say Yes
There is one word that will undoubtedly get you on the way to that job interview, or a meeting with a prospect or referral source – even a potential investor. This magical word will work for you when you use it in person, on the phone, in an email subject line, a text or a …
Avoid These 3 Killer Blogging Mistakes
Consider you almost always have an audience. I use the term “audience” to reference any person who receives your messages. That could be spoken, written, live or archived words. They may be accompanied by sound, video, photos, graphics, slides, and links (or not).
I use the term audience with reverence and respect, because all around …
90% of Us Should Come Out of Our Shell
At any given cocktail party and networking event, sometimes you’ll see a circle of people that, at first, appear to be interacting with one another.
But look closer.
Of a group of 8, you’ll have one or two loud people who dominate the conversation while the rest don’t talk nearly as much. The give-and-take among …
What Oprah Teaches You About “Audience”
She’s clear about what gaps in our lives we are hoping to fill by tuning her in or attending a function where she’ll be.
Ask yourself now: Do you know anything important about your audiences? Do you know why we are here and what matters to us? Do you know what gaps in our lives…Personal Brand Ho Ho Holiday Questions
The upcoming days might include holiday parties and getting stuck in the elevator with a group of strangers. Of course, strangers are just suspects – people with whom you may do business or who might refer you to the opportunity you’re seeking.
You can’t stand quietly next to the person who holds the key to …
5 Tips On Your Brand’s Emotional Footprint
Feelings, sometimes nothing more than feelings, define a brand, including a personal brand. What about yours?
If Disneyland is the happiest place on earth, than emotion must be an integral factor in successful branding. Coke would like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony, so the warm fuzzy feeling of connection – not …