The Funniest Linkedin Profile I’ve Ever Read
I’m always amazed at some of the stuff that people post on the web. If you are in the mood for a good laugh read this guy’s funny Linkedin profile. It is far and away the funniest profile I’ve ever read on any social network. Period.
While this is incredibly funny, it’s more an …
Misuses of Personality Type
Personality type models can be used to explore differences between people and to help us understand others and ourselves, a powerful tool for building our personal brand.
MisconceptionsUnfortunately, not everyone uses personality type models correctly. When type concepts are used in one of the following inappropriate ways, the meaning and value of the theory …
Houston … We Have A Problem
“Houston … We have a problem.”
These famous or infamous words were said over three decades ago and close to a million miles away. On April 13th, 1970, James Lovell, commander of Apollo 13, uttered these words following an explosion in the ship’s oxygen tanks. His journey to the surface of the moon was over. …
Advance Your Personal Brand and Let Content Persuade
Personal branders know objections and resistance are a part of the personal branding process and there are many great resources that detail strategies for handling objections. Many of these strategies focus on how to handle objections verbally in either face to face encounters or over the phone. There is much less thought leadership on how …
Win or Lose, You Choose. The Critical Skill That Builds Your Messaging Power And Everyone’s Valuation Of Your Brand
We hire the operations exec that keeps her cool under pressure; we don’t hire the guy for the C-suite marketing job, because he holds his knife and fork like a savage. We like the powerful and persuasive talker, but we offer the job to the guy who’s persuasive and listens, because he’ll gather the insights …
You Can’t Trademark Your Name…But You Can Buy It In Google
You have probably seen the recent viral video about the guy who bought the names of some top New York ad executives in Google to help land his dream job…and it worked! Watch the video here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FRwCs99DWg.
This brings up an interesting dilemma for individuals who want to be found in Google. Unlike companies and …
Social Networking: Is Growth Destroying it’s Value for End Users?
Social networking is great for many things – it can help you get a job, make a new connection, get your foot in the door, and meet folks you would have never had the opportunity to meet physically. But, lately, I’ve started to wonder if social media networks are losing their value at the expense …
30 Thoughts on the Power of Personal Branding
Keeping true to the nature of the way we consume content in bite sized pieces, here is a list of 30 thoughts on the power of personal branding, why it is important, and the affect it has on the world around you.
The content you create influences your perceived value The content you create in…Steve Pavlina’s 5-Point Guide to Achieving Your Personal Branding Goals
This week we’ll work on more effectively achieving your goals as you build your personal brand. Helping us today is personal development guru (and a top personal role model) Steve Pavlina, who is widely recognized as one of the most successful personal development bloggers on the web, attracting over two million monthly readers to his …
Do People Like Your Personal Brand?
How much people like you will have a direct impact on your career and almost everything you do, but being liked is a relative thing.
True storyAt a former company of mine, there was an engineer who was overwhelmed with work. We’ll call him Tom. This 8-year veteran of the IT department – his …