Top 10 Tips for New Grads
It’s that time of year when our future leaders are getting ready to graduate.
There are lots of lists and speeches by people much more famous and far more successful that little old me.
This list is something I have put together from my 20+ years in business. In those 20 years I’ve been a …
Ship, Shipmates, Self
I was meeting with a friend the other day and he mentioned these three simple words for setting priorities. He had heard these from an admiral while he was serving the U.S. Navy.
I thought about these three words for a while and can see …
Just Say NO to Career Dissatisfaction!
If you are happy with your income, employer, and opportunity for career development, read no further. Consider yourself fortunate and be thankful. If you feel there is definite room for improvement, however, then I encourage you to read on.
The 2008/2009 job satisfaction survey found that the majority (65%) of ALL American workers admitted …
Branding Your Linkedin Profile For Job Search
Your Linkedin profile and your resume are each used differently by employers and used for different purposes.
However, I get asked all the time if making your Linkedin profile identical to your resume is a wise idea. Linkedin must think it is … since they have an app that automatically loads your profile data into …
Say YES and Get Ahead
There is a fairly recent movie called “Yes Man” starring Jim Carrey. The premise was simple … say yes to everything!
To most people saying yes is NOT the first thing that comes to mind when asked to do something.
Think about the last time a friend asked you to drive them to the airport. …
Employers Use Your Resume And LinkedIn Profile Differently
Many job seekers make the mistake of assuming that their resume and LinkedIn profile are the same thing.
… they’re not.
Job seekers who consider their LinkedIn profile to be equivalent to their resume can miss major opportunities to differentiate themselves resulting in lost job opportunities.
You can differentiate yourself much more effectively as a …
Face To Face Personal Branding
Your resume is the traditional way job seekers create their personal brand. It’s the first impression that most job seekers make.
But there’s a downside to creating your personal brand through a resume.
Your resume is prescreened between 2-5 times before a hiring manager sees it.
What does that mean to you? It means most …
Are You Pulling Your Weight
Are you ready to deliver $1.4 Million dollars in value to your company?
Beyond being ready … are you able to deliver $1.4 Million?
If you expect to be making $100,000+ dollars a year you should expect your prospective employer to assign some sort of multiple to your salary. A Return on Salary (ROS) if …
Personal Branding By Understanding The Hiring Process
Do you realize that how well you understand the hiring process has a big impact on your personal brand … and on your chances of getting hired?
Most job seekers think that understanding the hiring process just means learning the email address to send a resume (or URL to post). That’s really the least important …
Information Keeps Your Personal Brand Current
… and allows you to brand yourself as a superior candidate.
Information is power …
The information you use to shape your communications with employers is critical to your success … or lack of success in landing a job.
But the information that most candidates use is lacking … and inferior information brands you as …