True Stories About What It Means To Be Outstanding
Two true stories of people getting noticed for doing their best at what they do best.
Always give your best effortA few years ago when I was still living in Paris, France, and only had two kids, we would take the bus every morning and ride the 4 stops to their nursery, and then …
Learn From Well Branded Student Meagan Burns
I came across Meagan Burns, a Junior at the School of Visual Arts in Manhattan, when she followed me on Twitter. After checking out her web presence, I was struck how well she’d successfully hit on the fundamentals of personal branding.
She’s also built a seriously awesome online presence. You should take a page out …
The Personal Branding Authority Flowchart
Do you want to stand out from the crowd? Do you want to be seen as a leader in your niche? Do you want to be one of the top earners in your line of work? If you are nodding your head up and down saying yes, this post is for you.
The steps of …
When You’re Most Visible Are You On-Brand?
Classy. Conan O’Brien’s final evening with NBC he spoke directly to the audience sharing with them that on this last night he could speak in whatever manner he wanted to about the network with no ramifications. After the last show, he was then in a legal agreement to not say any disparaging remarks about the …
Defining Your Brand via 6 Traits that Make You a Leader
I finished reading Lisa Orrell’s Millennials Into Leadership: The Ultimate Guide for Gen Y’s Aspiring to Be Effective, Respected, Young Leaders at Work this week. Wow! What a great resource for tomorrow’s leaders.
Traits That Make You a Great LeaderIn Millennials Into Leadership, Orrell discusses “defining your brand by documenting the traits that you …
On Personal Brand Destruction, Hockey and the 2010 Winter Olympics
How you take rejection can determine whether or not you’ll need to do so again.
A really interesting personal branding-related story took place last week on the road to next month’s Winter Olympics in Vancouver, Canada, and as an avid hockey fan, I’m glad to have finally found a way to sneak my love of …
Should Auld Aquaintance Be Forgot?
Tonight we will celebrate the end of 2009 and herald in a new decade. From private parties and entire city celebrations to safe home celebrations, we all have our own way of saying “goodbye to 2009”. Somewhere in the activities you are bound to hear the song “Auld Lang Syne”. It’s an old Scottish poem …
Guilty of UnPersonal Branding?
Are you guilty of relying on your company’s name and presence – and not working hard to establish your own personal brand? Unless you have an infamous past to hide, you’ll do yourself and your company a big favor by relentlessly communicating a clear, consistent and compelling personal brand. Then, you may leverage your brand …
Stop Saying You “Can Do Anything!”
Not long ago, I had the experience of working with a new intern. While we were having a coffee, I asked her about herself and how she saw herself helping us during her stay.
“Oh, I can do anything,” she gushed. “I’m just so happy to be here that I’ll do whatever you want me …
5 Rules for Maintaining Your Brand Once You Have the Job
You’ve worked hard to build your brand in order to land a job. Now you have a job (yay!), so what happens to your brand? Does it get consumed by your employer, or should you continue to develop it?
1. Devote XX amount of time each week to your brand.Just like before you landed …