Tag: Brand Attributes

Brand Yourself AsJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Jack of All Trades, Master of Two: Branding that Sticks

It happens all of the time. When I ask someone, “What brings you to mind when people are facing challenges at work and they need some help?” guess what happens.

Nothing. Dead air.

“Well, I’m good at solving problems” will then trickle out. Next, “I like to develop strategies to address companies’ needs, then to …

NetworkingPositioningRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

What’s Your Personal Brand’s Irresistibility Factor?

Let’s face it, all irresistible brands are hugely attractive and always get top marks across the board, right? More than ever, it makes sense – particularly for students right now – to get to work on enhancing their irresistibility factor in order to show up and stand out in this over-crowded and over-saturated environment. Of …

Relationships & Personal GrowthReputation ManagementSocial Media

Twitter Personal Branding Q + A #9

Answers to some of the latest questions people are asking on Twitter about personal branding.

Rochelle, @_Rochelle, twittered: Question: does ur personality / personal brand remain constant when blogging on a community vs own blog?

Jacob Share, @jacobshare: If you feel the need to manage multiple personal brands, it’s easier and better to focus all …

Brand Yourself AsRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Once Upon a Time, a Brand Outlaw

There’s a new reality out there. It’s called Business Unusual. More people have higher expectations, are more impatient and uncertain of which path to follow because all the rules have changed. The internet has changed the speed of business like nothing else, and according to best-selling author David Meerman Scott in his latest, must-read book, …

Communication & NetworkingPositioningRelationships & Personal Growth

What To Do When Google Shows Negative Results About You

Whenever Google – or any search engine – is finding some unpleasant information about you, there are 2 options:

Remove it at the source Bury it with newer, positive information Remove it at the source

If the troublesome search result is something you created yourself, like a blog post or Facebook page, you could remove …