The Product Called You
You are the hub of every interaction you have. And, you are also the product. What you do and say either adds values or detracts from your business relationships, client relationships and even your personal interactions.
Working with small businesses and entrepreneurs, I often take them through nine elements to their brand. Since your brand …
7 Ways to Build Your Personal Brand Offline
You know how important your online brand is, but there’s just something about meeting others face-to-face, isn’t there? Through a simple handshake, a conversation, or chance encounter, you’re typically able to make a stronger connection than you would through technology.
Showing up puts you aheadAttend industry conferences and trade shows. Conferences provide several benefits …
Motivation Speaks Volumes About Your Brand
There are those who can self motivate and have that rare ability to actually consistently do so. They seem to find ways to move through difficulty and challenge and find inspiration from it. In fact, they are usually deeply fueled by their difficulties and use them to leap. This ability speaks volumes about ones personal …
Is Your Personal Brand Getting a Standing Ovation?
“Engage me. Make me fall in love with you.” That’s Julie Greenwald, chairwoman & CEO of the Atlantic Records Group, talking to Adam Bryant about the way she hires. The interview appeared in the Corner Office, one of my favorite columns in The New York Times Sunday’s Business Section. What’s more, when Greenwald is interviewing …
A Cup of Coffee to Your 007 Story
A typical story starts at the beginning, builds up to a crescendo, and wows you at the end with a great conclusion. The most successful marketing content, however, follows a different path, according to recent Gartner research.
Stories sellUnlike the classic story telling method, good marketing copy begins with the end, “wow-ing” the reader …
What’s Your Preference, Extraversion or Introversion?
Where’s your energy coming from? Are you more energized or drained at the end of a discussion? Identifying your personality preference for *extraversion or introversion helps you figure out what energizes you.
One is not better than the other and, at times, everyone extraverts and introverts. However, one of these describes your preferred approach to …
7 Hits and Misses of LinkedIn’s Fancy New inMaps
LinkedIn’s new inMaps gives you a cool snapshot of your entire LinkedIn network, but is it useful?
In the official announcement of inMaps, LinkedIn asks “Wouldn’t it be great if you could see the way all your connections are related to each other?” Well yes, it would. inMaps is a good start, but it has …
Dare Mighty Things
“Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failures, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.”
These words were said by the 26th President of the United …
Personal Brand Week 2.0: Your Name is Just the Start
Are you attending Personal Brand Week 2.0? Throughout this week, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) is five whole days of tips and activities dedicated to your personal brand.
According to the website: “Each day during Personal Brand Week, PwC will provide insightful tools, recommendations and tips that will help you prepare for what’s next. Start shaping your professional …
What Do You Want To Be Known For?
Have you noticed that the days of mass appeal and utilizing broad targeted approaches are behind us?
When you look at products, politics, medicine or any other key industry, it’s pretty much about niche and focus. It’s not a phone, it’s a smart phone. It’s not Republican, it’s Tea Party. It’s not general medicine, it’s …