When Should Personal and Corporate Social Media Accounts Collide?
Do you ask employees to represent your brand on their personal social media and if so, do you give them any guidance?
The following answers are provided by the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. In partnership with Citi, the YEC recently launched #StartupLab, a free …
Personal Brands Create Value
Effective communication is one of the keys to success, especially for a business looking to enhance its brand image in a society that values information. Relationship experts maintain that only through communication do relationships last. A business looking to stay competitive will maintain beneficial relationships with its potential and prospective clients, and partners. As one …
6 Steps to Find Happiness in Your Career
In order to have future success, you should be happy in your job and enjoy what you are doing. If you only work to receive a paycheck at the end of the month, then no matter what you do, you won’t be able to achieve the success you dream of.
Studies show that almost 70% …
No MBA? No Problem
Once upon a time, a high school diploma was enough to get a good executive job. Today, the quality of the MBA degree itself has become determinative. Current expectation is that a high-level manager demonstrate strong technical skills, mastery of soft skills, and extensive abilities to manage, influence, interface with, and negotiate with a wide …
Clash of Generations at the Workplace
The generational gap is getting much bigger nowadays especially at the workplace. Younger generations want rapid change and more opportunities to show their personal brand while older generations generally prefer to keep the status quo or prefer a slower change after making sure that all of the risks are mitigated.
Technology is changing much faster …